Christmas is only 22 days away and I feel it’s a great time to look at your friends, family, neighbours and strangers. It is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the Universe. It is with the birth of Jesus Christ, in a small town in Bethlehem and ultimately, what he gave to the world was his life for others. As I reflect on the past year of 2008, so many wonderful opportunities, experiences and people have come into my life, for that I am so very happy and very blessed.
Maria Elita is a soul coach which I have had the pleasure of getting to know through emails as well as a course in Brisbane, in July this year, with my dear friend Jessica. Maria’s website is and she is just launching a new book called “The Naked Entrepreneur – a millionaires journey from fear to true wealth. You can also register for free miracle soul coaching by email .
Christmas is to me about giving to others that are less fortunate than myself. I have always loved the wishing trees which are scattered around shopping centres. The thought of the smile on the face of a child and the joy that a he/she has in opening the gift. give me so much happiness and a sense of purpose to this world we live in. This year at David’s work, one of the ladies helps bring awareness to The Smith Family toy drive, so I brought 3 gifts and that makes me very happy to give a little back to society. If you would like to donate go to, they have a toy catalogue so you pick an item at the price you can afford. I have also donated a cheque to Unicef to assist the pregnant women and children who have HIV/AIDS, in other parts of the world, it is only small, but every little helps and it is a way of helping others – for more info, you may have a favourite charity of your own, or you may want to donate your time to wrapping presents, ringing someone that is lonely or just take a box of groceries to someone that has had it a little tough this year. We can all make a difference in our own way. You don’t have to use money there are so many was you can make a difference to peoples lives, a friendly smile and hello to a stranger, a shoulder of support to someone who is having a little rough patch, the ideas are only limited by your imagination. By your kindness to another it has a ripple effect and the world is a much, much better place because of it.

On the 28th November Americans celebrated “Thanksgiving”. It’s a day they stop work, celebrate with family, friends and enjoy a lovely meal together. I wondered how this came about and after looking on the internet, I understand, this day was proclaimed by the Committee of Safety, in the State of New Hampshire, on the 1st November 1782. It was stated as follows:-
Do hereby recommend to the inhabitants of these States in general, to observe, and request the several States to interpose their authority in appointing and commanding the observation of THURSDAY the twenty-eight day of NOVEMBER next, as a day of solemn THANKSGIVING to GOD for all his mercies: and they do further recommend to all ranks, to testify to their gratitude to GOD for his goodness, by a cheerful obedience of his laws, and by promoting, each in his station, and by his influence, the practice of true and undefiled religion, which is the great foundation of public prosperity and national happiness.
As time has passed I think American’s embrace this day as a way of being thankful for what they have. If we look at the way the financial world is it at present and with so many people looking at their lack, it is a perfect time to change our thinking to a positive. Be grateful for our abundance and continuing success. So thinking along these lines you may like to write down the things that you are grateful for, may be in a journal, or a wish to you angels and guides, as a letter to a friend, to someone that loves you, or supported you and tell them how much you are grateful for them in your life. You may think of something else and would like to share it with us on this blog, we would love to hear from you.
The benefits of Hugs….
I was reading an article in the Body and Soul section of the Sunday paper regarding the Magic touch of Hugs. As a society we have lost touch with the healing power of embracing hugs. Hugs provide immeasurable support and are essential for health and life, and research proves it.
How to get more hugs.
Develop strong connections with family that include physical intimacy – a hug for greetings or support. “Allow yourself to slow down and take a few breaths when you’re hugging a loved one. Use the time to really enjoy the closeness,” says Sydney-based life coach Annie Millar.
Have friends who are not averse to physical contact, who will give you a big bear hug when you need it.
“Open your arms to someone who needs a hug and invite them in,” “You’ll be hugged too”.
Give compliments freely and you may get more hugs.
Look out for International Free Hugs Day on July 4, 2009 or declare your own hugs day and hug everyone you care about.
If you would like to have a Reiki/Seichem healing before Christmas to get you ready for the festive season, email me or give me a call on 0415403530 until the next time, have a wonderful day and hope you findurwings……. Roz.