April 12, 2009

Say 'YES' to all opportunities and just allow.

I read an article recently giving insight into the movie "Yes Man", starring Jim Carrey. It highlighted the benefits that come your way when you take the NO out of your vocabulary. It looked at another gentleman who had a ordinary life. He had a job which paid the bills, home, car etc, but felt he really wanted more. He came to the conclusion that he would say Yes to all opportunities for the next month and with that intention many new and exciting things happened. He got a new job that he enjoyed and his life changed, all because his mind was opened to new and exciting changes. He had allowed a different thought process and had released the limiting pattern and blockages that had stopped the flow of endless opportunities.

After reading the article I have been even more open to more new opportunities and I am also saying Yes. Since doing this I have enjoyed the beauty of a sunset over the Opera House, watched a sunrise on Maroubra Beach on Easter Saturday and stood on the rocks chatting with a friend while he fished. I have attended a workshop where I learnt more about the crystals I love. Had glasses made so now I can see my work on my blog and read books clearer. I reflect on this year as already we are in the fourth month, but so much has happened and continues to happen. I am absolutley amazed at how much I have achieved and so grateful for all that I have and that I learn.

Now that you have cleansed your crystals under the moonlight you can activate your crystals by reconnecting with them. This can be done through a brief meditation, setting your intent that you and the crystal connect on a soul level.

Crystals can be programmed to do anything. Healing, meditation, manifesting, angelic contact protection, abundance, past life recall, love, stress relief are many examples to set a crystal to do. It is all about intent, you can program the crystal through meditation, set the intent. If you set a love intent keep the crystal in the bedroom. Just listen to your intuition. There is no right or wrong sojust listen to you gut feeling.

Crystals for love are Rose quartz, Garnet, Carnelian, Rhodochrosite & Prehnite. Crystals for abundance is Citrine, Jade & Ruby.

Announcements: - Congratulations to my dear friend Lynn who welcomed her 5th grandchild into her family on Sunday, 12th April. A beautiful baby girl, yet to be named.

Best wishes and love to Sophie, Stu and little Toby on your newest addition to the family.

One Angel found his wings today:

Congratulations to Angel Cabrera of Argentina. He won the green jacket after defeating Kenny Perry in the second sudden death playoff hole and was the winner of the 2009 Masters Tournament, in Augusta, Georgia.

Have a wonderful week and hope you continue to findingurwings ....... Roz.

April 9, 2009


The full Moon takes place this Friday at 0.55 am AEST. Cleansing your crystal collection under the 3 nights of the full moon is the optimum time for cleansing negective energy and recharges crystals with positive energy. Remember any jewellery you have eg. Jade or Ruby etc. If you don't wish to put outside under direct Moonlight, you can put on the North side of your home making sure your blinds are drawn to allow light to come through.

Some of the crystals that don't need cleansing - Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Kyanite and Citrine.

Last weekend I attended a workshop with Karen McMillan www.anjewelsandgems.com.au and Julie McKenzie www.purereflections.com.au. It was held at The Awareness Institute in Crows Nest. The weekend was wonderful, fun and informative.

Karen unlocks the door to the crystal world, giving insight into the history, wisdom and knowledge of crystals. She gives you the ability to connect with crystals from Mother Earth to your mind, body and soul.

We were all given a bag of crystals that would assist us in chakra healing and we worked on a partner to see and feel what the crystals could heal. This was so wonderful, as it has been something that I wanted to learn for my Findingurwings. I have found the love of crystals over the past year as my healing practice starts to find its wings and with my purchase of a Clear Quartz cluster and other healing crystals, my interest has only deepened. I had a wonderful time in Perth earlier this year and my labradorite pendant has become my pride and joy.

During the weekend course I met a lady named Greta. She is 77 years young and has been collecting crystals from all over the world for the past 12 years. To-date she has 400 pieces and I hope one day to visit her and see this wonderful collection. I now enjoy some beautiful new pieces to my collection.

Julie is the author of "Dancing with Spirit" and "Gemma and the Fairies." Her clairvoyant and healing skills are caring and her energy very loving. We were given guidance to do clairvoyant and angel card readings and healing skills. The weekend was wonderful and I had a really interesting time getting to know new people and skills.

Since doing the workshop I have been inspired to create new treatments for my Findingurwings practice. I am not limiting myself to only doing Reiki/Seichem. I will listen to my intuition and guidance for what my passion and life purpose is and continues to be.


April 1, 2009


It is Wednesday, 1st April and 12 thousand miles away a family says farewell to their Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother and friend. Not the greatest day to pick as this day has a stigma of practical jokes. None the less, it is a day to honour Wynne and what she did in this life. David & I have offically made this "WYNNESDAY" and she made a difference. She wasn't perfect, as none of us here are, but she was kind, caring and loving. She forgave family members that had wronged her and even though it took time she did turn the other cheek. This is a life lesson and she got it. She had wonderful health, happiness and the love of her life, Frank. Between them they created a family with 3 children Paul, David & Ann. Made a home for them to enjoy and provided a great start to them in life. I am lucky to have the life I share with David and beautiful family because she did this. ....So thank you Wynne, I give you a blue ribbon which says "Who I am makes a difference".

I received a film clip via an email this morning, about a teacher in America who shared with her class, how they had made a difference to her. She gave them a blue ribbon and on the ribbon it said, "Who I am makes a difference". It was a touching story and very heartfelt, I recommend it to you. You can view it by going to www.blueribbonmovie.com.


David & I went to Mrs Macquaries Chair on Sunday for sunset where David took photographs over the Opera House and Bridge. I listened to Eckhart Tolle's cd "Stillness Speaks". It was beautiful to observe the changing faces of the Sydney skyline and listen to the water. Feel the peace and tranquility of just - Being. We are so lucky to have such beauty all around us, we just have to feel.


I am going to a workshop on 4th & 5th April with Julie McKenzie and Karen. I am really looking forward to this course. I am hoping it will give me more guidance on how to connect further with my angels, spirit guides and love ones that have crossed over. A greater knowledge about crystals and their healing properties, which will assist me with my Reiki/Seichem. If you would like to see more on the workshop go to www.purereflections.com.au/workshops.

I wish you continuing happiness and I hope you are findingurwings...... Roz.