During this year I was introduced to St Anthony of Padua. My friend, Kerrie told me a story of how she had lost her house/car keys and had been searching for 2 weeks with no success. She had checked her car, home, garden and even her daughter's home. She asked if I could see with my intuition where the keys might be, as she felt they were around.I saw standard roses and felt the lost keys they were at her daughter's. We then looked through my cards and came across the card of St Anthony. So I suggested to ask him to find the keys. Kerrie had heard her mother-in-law mention him, as she was a Catholic.
I then had an opportunity to call upon St Anthony the following week. Avril my daughter had lost her wallet at University and was in a flap, as we do when things of this nature get lost. I felt it would be ok and we put into action retracing steps and going to lost property. She returned at lunch that day with no luck. - I decided to do some automatic writing, asking if we wound have her wallet returned and everything there - was given the answer YES.
Approximately 1 hr after getting the message we received a phone call from lost property that someone had found and handed in her wallet. We collected it and all was there - the message is ask for help, have faith and listen to your inner knowledge, vision, words or feelings. After telling Kerrie about the wallet return I asked if she had done anything about her keys. She later told me they had been located and returned to her. She found them in the car while at her daughter's house, but the interesting thing was that she had checked that place many times with no success prior to asking.
So if you need something found that you have misplaced ask for the help to find it, you may just be very surprised what happens....oh, remember to say 'THANK YOU' as well.
This is as quoted by Doreen Virtue (Saints and Angels):
You Found It!- St Anthony of Padua asks you to have faith that you've found (or will soon find) what you're looking for. St Anthony and the Archangel Chamuel can help you locate lost items. Call upon them both (either silently or aloud) and ask them to help you. Then pay attention to your inner guidance, such as gut feelings, visions, or thoughts. Follow this wisdom, and you'll find the item. Trust in the miracle of Heaven's helpers retrieving the item for you. Remember that nothing is lost in the mind of God. If it doesn't return to you immediately, hold onto the faith it will at the right time.
St Anthony is "the Wonder Worker" - many people call upon St Anthony to find lost items and to regain the grace of God, with miraculous results.
AFFIRMATIONS: Money comes to me easily and effortlessly
I create my own reality
I am so happy and grateful for all that I have
I enjoy this moment for it is the only one I have right now.
My mind/body/spirit are in perfect harmony
Question: If you had all the time and money in the world what would you do?
To all have a wonderful weekend and I hope you are findingurwings.......Ros