"Do not be afraid of life's mysteries. The world is our cocoon and we must all emerge as butterflies
" - Anara. The orange butterfly is a Monarch butterfly. -This butterfly takes several generations to complete its yearly migration to ensure the survival of future
butterflies, we can live good lives to ensure the happiness of future generations. It's up to us to create our own rich legacies so we can pass the fire and passion on to our children, our children's children, and the generation beyond. - Allison
As yesterday was the first day of 2010 and as I sat by the pool, enjoying the tranquility and solitude, the most beautiful blue butterfly presented itself to me. I have not seen such a
gorgeous colour and it floated around me for such a long time. Butterflies to me are all about
transformations and new beginnings. This is my theme for this year, I do not know what the year will hold. Other years have been set with work already known, but with the changing of my career path this year the focus is on my healing work/
clairvoyance and many other things that are on the
metaphysical level, I wonder what this year has in store. It is one of a little fear, but a lot more of
excitement and opportunities.

A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Allison
Dubois, the real life
Medium from the hit
tv show of the same name. She had come to Australia and was to give an interview and book signing at the Mind, Body & Spirit festival at Darling Harbour Convention Center, Sydney. I had read two of her three books and found them
fascinating and easy to read, but her latest book "Secrets of the Monarch - What the dead can teach us about living a better life" was one I found insightful. My
fascination with the afterlife was peaked back in 2002, it was just before my 40
th birthday and I was living a very happy and contented life with my husband David, my two girls Avril then aged 14 and Brittany 12. We lived on 207 acres with 600 horses passing our door each day, because we lived on a racecourse. It was a wonderful
environment to raise our girls, the country in the middle of a large international city. David enjoyed his work, we had a feeling of extended family all around us and I worked for The Australian Golf Club casually and was able to fit my hours around the girls school.
As I said my interest came in the way of
http:///www.johnedward.net/ I was gardening on a summer's day, it had gotten to lunch time and we had just had f
oxtel connected on our TV. I was looking to have some time out of the sun and while flicking through the magazine I was
intrigued at this program called "Crossing Over"- from that day, I have not seen the world though the same eyes. My interest if anything has grown more, I enjoy shows like "Ghost Whisper", "Medium". These woman have interesting
life's they hold together being in a reality world with family, friends, jobs etc and have a very special gift to see things others don't and have an empathy with giving other people closure or love from people that have passed. I have had the opportunity to see and meet Lisa Williams, Clairvoyant/
Medium last year and to thank her for passing on message from Frank (my father -in-law, passed 08).

It was the day after my 46
th birthday and up until a week before I had never heard of Lisa, again she had a show on f
oxtel called 'Life beyond the Dead' - i felt guided to go to her website on this day and on reading messages that she had received but has no idea where they are to go so she posts them on her blog. While reading them i came across this message and as I read it I was bought to tears, I know it was my Frank so many clues that meant something to me words I had written, his football team and the feeling I observed on our last day together. This was him, I felt it, I know it with ever fibre of my soul. The song that he was singing '
The Old Rugged Cross' - I did not know this song and no one else seemed to understand about this song either, his son or wife. It is amazing, but on our return to the UK last year, while going through their belongings still in the family home for the very last time. Wynne, his wife had passed on to be with Francis only 10 months after his departure. I came across their music
cds/tapes and in amongst them was one called ' The Old Rugged Cross' tape by Father Francis - I bought that tape home to Australia and on playing it there were many songs that have meaning to me one being "How Great Thou Art
www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q8ESzK5pCw" which I played for him at our
funeral service we had here in our home. I have been very blessed over the past couple of years to feel the presents of my past love ones around me, looking after me and my family, guiding me and sending me loving messages. The more I write about and the more I listen to these gifts I have been so passionate to
develop, the more I trust the world we cannot see with our physical eyes will be shown to me. I know that with these gift comes a burden, to use the insight with integrity, compassion, love and honesty. It is to help myself and others gain the best life we can, to enjoy what gives us the most happiness, be grateful for all we have and be kind to others, for we are all doing the best we know how.

Ella Mary Kelly (2/1/1918 - 1/6/05)

Today is to celebrate my grandmother's 92
nd birthday. Unfortunately, she passed to another world and hope I will meet up with her again. Until that time, I have been blessed to have her and others of my family stay connected to me in spirit.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ella for giving me the lesson of Forgiveness. I was lucky having spent 10 wonderful days just before she passed, 5 years ago. My Nan lived in the country and for whatever reason she was bought to the city to a major teaching hospital, only up the road from where I lived, at the time. Each day I would go and spend many hours with her, prepare cups of tea, make sure she would eat as she was diabetic and blind, it was important to me to be there for her. I would make sure she was comfortable, hold her hand while she slept and we would have chats about her youth. We discussed our family roots and I gained a lot of knowledge in those 10 short days.
I didn't always have the best of relationships with her. She was
critical of people with weight issues and was not backward in coming forward with her opinion. I grew up with low self worth and even though I was not a large person by any stretch of the imagination, I took this on board as me, not being good enough. I saw my grandmother in a position that most grandchildren do not experience, she was
vulnerable and needed help in very physical normal activities, like going to the bathroom etc. One day, as she slept. I held her hand, I said to her, "I forgive you". I had felt guilty about myself, I had grown to believe she had judged me and in that moment I felt a sense of relief, a weight had been lifted, so to speak and a loving/caring relationship had grown. I was not forgiving her, I was forgiving me I had believed that she had done this to me and all the time I had
chosen this belief for me. I now understand that I have the ability to change that thought or belief - so many people hold on to the belief that forgiveness is about them giving to another, but its not, its releasing you of that
negative feeling that you carry and hold up thinking it gives you the moral high ground - that is your EGO and the only person it is hurting is you, no one else.
It is very easy to say "it is just a thought and you can change that thought", but it takes
incredible strength of character to do it.......How strong are you and how much do you want to feel happy and joyful.
ELLA was the seventh of eight children born in
Marulan. She grow up on a dairy farm. Her father was killed in 1933 at the age of 65 by a bull being squashed between the fence. At 15, she went to live on a property in
Boorowa, with her Aunt and Uncle. She was to later marry the laborer on the property, Allan. They would have 1 daughter and 4 sons. She loved gardening worked at domestic duties in Kenmore. When Allan passed in 1976. She spent many years with her daughter on the South Coast, a short while with her my parents in the Blue Mountains before returning in 2003 to live at the Masonic Village,
In the 1st December, 2009 her son Leonard, 3rd child passed and has joined his parents in spirit.
I think of them often and feel their presents around me - If you have someone you wish to connect with, look for the messages it could be a song, their smell of perfume or flowers they loved or maybe someone says something that reminds you of them.........they are connected to you ALWAYS.
I hope you are