February 16, 2010


It has been a desire of mine to have monthly meetings for spiritually based people to come together to exchange ideas, healing and have fun.

In January the Butterfly Circle was formed it consists of Cathy, Brodie, Michelle, Ann, Katrina, and me. We completed the "Belinda Grace Clairvoyant Healing" course in 2009. Two more ladies have joined our circle to learn further/practice and connect with this these like minded ladies. During our time together we practice meditation, exchanging information, giving and receiving healing treatments which include Reiki/Siechem, Clairvoyant healing, Crystal therapy and Access Bars and more. We hope to bring more groups together for others to have the same opportunities to practice their craft.

I have come to realise that this circle of ladies are very talented and this is an up and coming network with Yoga teacher, healing practitioners, jewellery designer and quilter just to name a few. I am so grateful for these ladies being part of my journey.

For more information on yoga check out http://www.harmonyyogastudio.com.au/


This morning I ventured to Coogee beach where I enjoyed watching the sunrise over the Ocean. Watching the waves washing over the sand, stroll along the rocks and mesmerised by the beauty of nature, how wonderful it is to enjoy this moment.

It is like a community of people exercising in one form or another. They are there individually or, in groups, runners, walkers, pet lovers and fishermen. What struck me most of all is the lack of a smile on peoples faces, a recognition or some sign of happiness. I have made it a goal of mine to smile at a passing stranger and say "Hi". It just might make a difference to their day. I know it does for me.

"Be the change you wish to see" - M Gandhi


Since my last article I have attended a training for a new modality 'Access - Bars' this was facilitated by Jana Rajnoch. Access is about empowering you to know what you know and to get you to know that you have choice and release what you have locked into your body.

You have choice in life. Are you aware of that? Are you functioning from the no-choice universe? The no-choice universe comes into existence because of your desire to live in this reality that everybody else lives in. It’s called the contextual reality – where you fit, where you benefit, where you win, or where you lose. This is where the majority of the planet lives. It’s like being continually in high school. If you weren’t part of the “in” clique, you were out.

A non-contextual universe is question, choice, possibility, and contribution. Contribution is what you can gift continually forever without ever losing you or any energy.

Many Bars exchange have taken place since the course many with Jana and the shifts in awareness have been quiet amazing. I have been very fortunate this year doing what is my passion and purpose in the healing work. Always asking the questions - What would it take for more vibrationally compatible opportunities to show up in my life and How does it get better than this.




Access – Bars energy treatment price $80 (normally $150)
Offer ends 31st March, 2010.
What if you were willing to nurture and care for you? What if you would open the doors to being everything you have decided it is not possible to be? What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world” Quote by Gary Douglas.

The Bars are 32 points on the head where thoughts, feelings, emotions and considerations lock into the body and impact your health and well-being. These points relate to specific areas such as money, control, awareness, creativity, hopes & dreams, body and sexuality, and aging to name a few. The facilitator gently touches and holds these points on your head and the energy is released at each place.
During a Bars session all the behavioural patterns and belief systems you have been running for all your life times begin to be cleared, just like old files in a computer system.

This means you can be more present in your life and your past doesn’t keep projecting into your future in the same way. By getting your Bars run you are literally changing the probabilities of future possibilities in your life.

Your ability to receive all kinds of Abundance and to be aware instead of running on ‘auto pilot’ becomes available to you.

A Bars session takes 60 - 90 minutes and leads to amazing clearings. “Running the Bars” leaves you feeling refreshed and relaxed as if you have had a deep restful sleep or a massage. Bars sessions are $150 normally.

Coming soon: Beyond Botox: Access Energetic Facelift, Correcting Vision and more.

Everything is choice! Everything is possibility! What Else is Possible?

To take advantage of this wonderful process contact Ros Clarkson, findingurwings
www.findingurwings@live.com.au or mob. 0415403530.

“All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory".

Have a wonderful day.

I hope you are findingurwings..............Ros

February 7, 2010

Findingurwings newsletter 2010

Welcome to the first newsletter of Findingurwings. Already we are into the second month of this year and it is time to refocus on my new adventures in Healing. As you may know last year saw many changes in my life. The biggest step that I took was to leave my paid employment of over 11 years. A job that I am so very thankful for, as it has allowed David & I to educate our two daughters through private school. They are now going to University to assist their own development and career. I worked with interesting people and gained self confidence. I met some fascinating people over that time, but most of all it showed me that material wealth doesn’t give you happiness; happiness comes from a place within yourself. I realize how important it is to have a balance of giving and receiving and have an ‘Attitude in Gratitude” - I do this every day. Giving to others, it might be having a chat with a stranger, a shoulder of support to a friend having a tough time, a smile to someone to brighten up their day, giving to charity, a bunch of flowers or visiting a sick friend whatever it is, it is coming from your heart. By doing this I receive so many wonderful experiences. I believe that we also need to cut energy ties, forgive or letting go of people/situations/events that have hurt us. I believe everything is sent to challenge us to make us stronger – it is how we handle them that make the person we are now. Just as that song Affirmation says “Forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness”, because as long as you blame others or feel a victim you will always be held in the past. Forgiveness is about you and not the other person/actions/situation. You don’t have to agree with what they did or didn’t do, but until you let go of the feelings you are not able to enjoy this moment, Now - The Present and it will affect your future. The only person that you are hurting by not letting go of the feeling or hurt, pain, and blame is YOURSELF. Take back your own power and control, as you are the only person you are able to control. There is said to be a 90 – 10 rule, that 10% of what happens you have absolutely no control over and 90% is how you handle that 10%. How do you handle situations?

I hope you are findingurwings...........Ros

February 5, 2010


Seraphinite: is also know as Serafina a green stone with silvery feathers with the darker stone, often small and polished it comes from Seberia.

It is known for its healing on a physical level, it seem to act upon the body like fertilizer on grass, causing a flush of pure healing energy. This stone promotes living from the heart and has a greatly cleansing effect of the heart chakra , opening to love. Seraphinite acts as a trigger mechanism, causing old patterns of disease or imbalance to fall away, and allowing new patterns to be created. It is useful in aiding in the healing of the heart and lungs, as well as any systemic illness relating to cellular regeneration. This mineral stands alone as the premier healing stone of this age. It is the tool most suited to bring the physical body into line with Light energy.

We all need healing on some level be it emotional, physical, or spiritual. The frequency of Seraphinite reveals the underlying causes of imbalances, allowing us to rectify them before they manifest as physical disease. Its ability to connect us to the highest realm of the Spirit while bringing that energy into the physical body makes Seraphinite an important healing Ally.
Affirmation: I honour my body as a vehicle for the light – Naisha Ahsian, Crystal Ally Cards.

Seraphinite it is a very beautiful looking stone and has been said that the silver wings are the wings of Archangel Raphael – (healer).

February 3, 2010



Saturday, 13th March,2010
45 Andrews Avenue, WAGGA WAGGA
10.00 - 4.00pm
Presented by - Ros Clarkson –

It is my belief that we attract everything, person/situation/event into our awareness, consciously or unconsciously. Your awareness has been drawn to this workshop to open you to new ways of thinking. You can create a different reality (if you choose) and get more of what you want and DESERVE.
When we give ourselves permission to be the person we are, MAGIC HAPPENS
It is your thoughts, feelings and actions that create your reality – do you wish to change yours?
I will guide you through a meditation to energetically cut ties to people that are vibrationally incompatible with you now.
Grounding techniques to keep you stay calm and focused.
Create a vision for your future.

A new understanding on how changing you’re thinking will allow different results in your life. If this interests you than this workshop is for you.

Our current results don’t reflect who we ARE, they reflect who we WERE. You have the power to change your future by changing your thoughts and feelings NOW.


Cost $ 100.00 - Morning/Afternoon tea provided.
Ros Clarkson - Crystal Healing Practitioner, Reiki Level Practitioner, Law of Attraction Facilitator.
To book contact Robyn Ridley - Mob :0411442395 or ccreflections@hotmail.com