March 31, 2013

Story of a Zen Master:

In this village, a little boy is given a gift of a horse.  The villagers all say, “ Isn't that fabulous? Isn't that wonderful? What a wonderful gift.”

The Zen master says, “We’ll see.”

A couple of years later the boy falls off the horse and breaks his leg.  The villagers all say “ Isn't that terrible? The horse is cruel. That’s horrible!”

The Zen master says, “We’ll see.”

A few years later the country goes to war and government conscripts all the males into the army, but the boy’s leg is so screwed up, he doesn't have to go.  The villagers all say, “ Isn't that fabulous? Isn't that wonderful?”.

The Zen master says, “We’ll see.”

Just as the Zen Master says “We’ll see”.  It is all in the way we perceive it to be. 

If we, let go of the attachment that it is either, good or bad, see that it is our perception that is judging the situation, and then we can choose how we handle it differently.  See it through new eyes with new thoughts,  and belief systems, different to the way we have been taught in the past or through experiences.  See them as lessons to grow, gain strength and wisdom. ~ Unknown Author.

This is a good reminder to look at the way you perceive something that has happened in your life. Seeing the experience as a learning one.  Acknowledge and let it go.  This will be beneficial to your spiritual growth and you will be wiser for the lesson.  

All original material posted to this site is (c) 2013, Ros Clarkson. All rights reserved.