October 29, 2008

"YOU'RELIKEMEFRANK" - dedication to a wonderful man

Back in May David (my husband) and I flew to England very suddenly, unfortunately, David's dad, Frank Clarkson was terminally ill and he asked to see us. Although it was a very sad trip with the knowledge we were saying goodbye and was a joy to spend time at the hospital for 10 days with him. Frank was and is an amazing character. He took the sponge of life and wrung everybit out of it. He left with no regrets.

David would read sports articles each day and I would make him cups of tea and help him to feel comfortable. One of the hardest days of our life was to say goodbye knowing it truly was, strangely enough I had gone through the same experience 3 years before with my Nanna Kelly.

During our visit with Frank a horse had been purchased by David's brother Paul at the Irish sales and while all together the horse was named "You'relikemefrank" and given the seal of approval by Francis with the trademark two thumbs up sign.

Frank passed away 20th May 2008 and on Wednesday 29th October, 2008 at Nottingham race course in the UK - at 14.40 pm "You'relikemefrank" will be in the starting gates. I am sure Frank will be watching and cheering him on from the pearly grandstand in the sky.

Our colours are orange (strength of self) and purple spots (spirit and no end).



Over the past few months talking to different people it has made me realise how many people may not be aware that we really need to give ourselves protection against different energies. Providing a good, loving, psychic protection is necessary while doing any type of spirit work like mediumship. No one should attempt any kind of spirit work without first learning how to psychically protect themselves. I use white light or Golden light to protect myself throughout the day. It is also a good thing to do at night before going to bed. You can also 'place' your white light upon others to protect them as well.

The following Egg of Light Protection exercise is a very good exercise for both the beginner and advanced student, to surround themselves with white, loving protecting light.

Egg of Light Protection Meditation

Get in a comfortable position where you will not be disturbed. Relax and concerntrait on your breath. Take 3 deep breaths and if you have a thought (thats ok) just visualise it just float away and concerntrait on your breath again.

Once you are relaxed, visualize a circle of bright white light forming around your body. This light will now rise up around you in an oval (egg shape), enclosing your body. The light is extremely bright, pure, and all powerful. The light fills the egg and stays in it as long as you have your egg shield up. It is a protecting, soothing, bright light that radiates a force field around your body. No outside forces can penetrate your egg shield, as it offers complete protection. Within your egg, continue to relax and visualize your warm light flowing from the top of your head down your body to your toes, relaxing and soothing you. This egg not only protects you during your meditations but provides a source of ever-lasting power and energy to you.

You may use this technique to surround yourself in white light, any time you feel the need for extra protection. It is especially important to perform this exercise before beginning any work with spirits or unknown energies.

When in a hurry, you may also use this following quick technique for protection: Close your eyes and briefly imagine a bright, white light surrounding your entire body. Push it out beyond your body a bit and imagine it growing brighter. This is how you surround yourself with the protecting white light. You may use the white light to protect your house, car, work place, other people, etc. Simply imagine the white light surrounding the object you wish to protect and feel the security of protection around it.

Shower of Light Protection Meditation

Visualize yourself standing under a beautiful waterfall and your body being showered and your arua being washed. Feel the beautiful water washing over you and covering your body with protection, guidance and love. All negativity is washed away by the waterfall and a film of protective light is place upon you and within you.

I hope this tip for protection helps you findingurwings..... Roz

October 27, 2008

Manifesting changes through the new Moon

Have you got a vision of how your life could be ..... do you dare to dream.

For me it is creating a beautiful room to continue my Reiki healings and have my small business commence. For you it maybe a new home, car or perhaps it is having new friends to share your goals with... whatever it is, now is the time to put action into those dreams and desires. Make a note now of say your top three ideals and put the list somewhere that you can see it. This weeks new Moon activates a point in the skies associated with angels, which is said to help fill us with the energy and enthusiasm we need to pursue and realise our dreams.

Also, and what can only be described as very convenient celestial coincidence, the planet of action, Mars, who is always busy getting things done, is linking first to lucky,confident Jupiter, and then to serious Saturn, the planet who loves to get people to make firm and lasting agreements. With that supportive astro climate, even just writing down these dreams, followed by decisive action, could really lead somewhere. Go ahead you have everything to gain.

Whether you what changes in personal or career life, taking steps towards it now will go a long way towards making it happen.

The new Moon takes place at 9.13 am on Wednesday 29th October. Just before the new Moon is the ideal time to read out your list to the universe, to really set out your intentions.

I hope this helps you findingurwings........ Roz.

October 24, 2008

FREE TICKETS ......John Demartini - from "The Secret".

Last night I went to a very entertaining and inspirational talk by John Demartini.

Dr John F Demartini D.C Bsc, Philosopher
Dr John Demartini is one of the renowned teachers on The Secret DVD.

Here is one awesome man! Here is the professional Bio about John, then I’ll tell you what I think about him:-

Dr. Demartini is a Chiropractic doctor (now retired), international professional speaker, author, business consultant and philosopher who is reshaping modern psychology and business philosophy. His enlightening perspectives, humorous observations of human nature, and practical action steps make him one of the most inspirational speakers.

Dr Demartini has just written a new book call "How to make a Hell of a Profit and still get to Heaven".

I was inspired a couple of years ago after watching "The Secret" and John stood out for me. To have the opportunity to attend a seminar was a privilege and it validated my own amazing journey and the changes that have occured in my mind and life. I am blessed with a very happy life and every day I live in gratitude for it. I also had the opportunity to speak with him and found him a very loving and caring soul.

He is having another lecture on Monday 27th October at the Inter Continental Hotel in Sydney from 7 pm, if you are interested go to www.global1training.com and book your free ticket....... Hope you find your wings. Roz.

Blessings on a $5 note…..

After the pasted two day which had turned the Spring weather to reminders of the Winter, I woke up this morning to open the curtains to a beautiful blue sky, white clouds and the sun shine radiating on the green grass across the road. It is my daily routine to drop David up to the bus stop and then make my way to my local coffee shop. A gathering of working men – the milko, the shop caretaker and the shopkeeper all sitting discussing the things guys like to talk about and solve the world’s worries. I have gained a wonderful bond with these men over the past year and enjoyed the banter and friendship.

This morning for the first time I sat and joined them. The Milko hands over a $5.00 note which he had found on a seat nearby and the group had decide to purchase a lottery ticket. With no one taking control of the purchase I elect to buy it for them and the nice guys they are say “we win money you will have a share”. I put in my pocket and off I go with complimentary coffee in hand. When I later pull out the note at home, I notice that on one side of the note there is writing – it says “I wish you – wealth, health and luck”. I was amazed.

My friend from my job at the club is moving home and I had told her I would drop off some packing boxes to assist her in the move. After the delivery I stop at the newsagents near to her home and get a park right in front of the shop. I purchase the two lottery tickets and with a $1 remaining get an instant scratchy. I show her the note and point out the writing and she too is amazed at what it had said. She was going to keep a look at our tickets for curiosity because of the words.

I put the tickets in my lucky Chinese envelope my friend had given me for Chinese New Year. I went to give the tickets to the shop owner, but John wants me to hold on to them for luck. I ask him about the writing if any of the guys had written on the $5 and he said no and didn’t know anything about it until I had told him the story. I have a sense that we were sent a message – I scratched the instant ticket and we won $8 for which I am very grateful. We have the tickets for the lottery prizes and time will tell the answers to this wonderful blessing…..

October 22, 2008


Come to the garden alone,
While the dew is still on the roses....



1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul


1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness


1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another


1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another


1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends


Send this to people that you want God to bless.
I just did!