After the pasted two day which had turned the Spring weather to reminders of the Winter, I woke up this morning to open the curtains to a beautiful blue sky, white clouds and the sun shine radiating on the green grass across the road. It is my daily routine to drop David up to the bus stop and then make my way to my local coffee shop. A gathering of working men – the milko, the shop caretaker and the shopkeeper all sitting discussing the things guys like to talk about and solve the world’s worries. I have gained a wonderful bond with these men over the past year and enjoyed the banter and friendship.
This morning for the first time I sat and joined them. The Milko hands over a $5.00 note which he had found on a seat nearby and the group had decide to purchase a lottery ticket. With no one taking control of the purchase I elect to buy it for them and the nice guys they are say “we win money you will have a share”. I put in my pocket and off I go with complimentary coffee in hand. When I later pull out the note at home, I notice that on one side of the note there is writing – it says “I wish you – wealth, health and luck”. I was amazed.
My friend from my job at the club is moving home and I had told her I would drop off some packing boxes to assist her in the move. After the delivery I stop at the newsagents near to her home and get a park right in front of the shop. I purchase the two lottery tickets and with a $1 remaining get an instant scratchy. I show her the note and point out the writing and she too is amazed at what it had said. She was going to keep a look at our tickets for curiosity because of the words.
I put the tickets in my lucky Chinese envelope my friend had given me for Chinese New Year. I went to give the tickets to the shop owner, but John wants me to hold on to them for luck. I ask him about the writing if any of the guys had written on the $5 and he said no and didn’t know anything about it until I had told him the story. I have a sense that we were sent a message – I scratched the instant ticket and we won $8 for which I am very grateful. We have the tickets for the lottery prizes and time will tell the answers to this wonderful blessing…..
An update on the $5 note - we won $8 from the scratchie, with that I brought an entry to the $2 million lotto. Unfortunately, it was not the winner and I have 2 tickets in the $2 lottery yet to be drawn....