A link from the planet Venus (love) to Jupiter (planet of plenty) is creating a great atmosphere for romance, seduction and daydreams. This link peaks on Monday night around 7.30 pm, so if you are out to win someone's heart, a meeting anytime between now and then could do it. Good Luck.
The new Moon has just taken place in Sagittarius. It is not too late to make your new Moon wishes. Do it today. If you want to get some tips on how to do so, visit www.yasminboland.com/nmw.htm or my article on The new moon. I placed 5 wishes on the last new Moon in October, the Angels and Universe have already answered my first 2. I also know that a friend I work with placed his wishes to the new Moon after I told him about it last month. His partner has secured a new job that she wished for and starts tomorrow.
Trust that the universe it has amazing powers when you just believe....
This weekend I have been busy clearing and cleaning my home. It has been really great, I feel energised, organised and focused. While I was spending this time re-arranging kitchen cupboards, I listened to a cd of mixed artists of the 60's, 70's and 80's. One song which resonated with me on my life and how I feel about myself as a person, was Whitney Houston's -
"The Greatest love of all".
I believe the children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on me
I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love
To me this is how my life has gone from the quiet young girl who was unsure of herself and didn't like herself very much. Today, I am very happy in my own skin, centered and balanced in my life and my decisions. I have been able to find the joy, gratitude and love of others, as well as myself. I often ask myself "how does it get better than this" - I am very blessed. I hope you too can find the Joy and, most of all, the LOVE.
Spending time with my daughter Avril this afternoon saw us watching a movie "The Bucket List" starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. I first saw this movie last May on a flight bound for Manchester, UK. David & I were going to see Frank (David's Dad). He had asked for us to come to see him as he was only weeks from passing from lung cancer. It was a bit close to the bone as we knew we were going to say "good bye" and that it would be the last time we would see him, but on reflection I think I crossed a few off Francis's list - had a glass of beer in hospital. Had a laugh and enjoyed every moment with him. Took a balloon on a public bus to an 83 year old in hospital to celebrate his last birthday and cake.
In the movie the scene where they are at the Pyramids and Morgan Freeman tells about the Egyptians belief that to be allowed into heaven you are asked two questions:-
1. Have you found Joy in your life?
2. Have you brought Joy to other peoples lives?
Depending on your answer to these two questions it is then determined if you will enter heaven.
If you haven't seen "The Bucket List" I recommended this movie as well as "Pay it forward" with Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt.
Books that I have found: -
Eat Pray Love - Elizabeth Gilbert.
Hope Endures - Colette Livermore
The Hour I First Believed - Wally Lamb.
Over the weekend I came across an article regarding Patrick Swayzee. It says his cancer has returned and spread to his liver. It was reported he was saying good-bye to family and friends. When he burst on the the big screen in Dirty Dancing, 20 years ago, I loved his character of Johnny and the incredible way he moved on the dance floor. The final scene of the movie with Jennifer Gray is fantastic and one of my very favourites. So with that I would like to say "Thank you" to a man I have never met, but has been a part of my life and would like you to say a prayer and send wishes of love to him and his family.
Have a wonderful week and hope you findurwings.....Roz
November 30, 2008
November 27, 2008
Happy Birthday - Avril
On Friday 28th November my beautiful baby girl is celebrating her birthday.
David and Roslyn would like to take this opportunity to say how proud we are to have such a smart, beautiful, caring and helpful daughter. Yesterday's UNSW second year Business results (high distinction and two distinctions) were a good example of Avril's focus. Tonight she's hosting a 1920's speak easy birthday gathering in a secret gambling den, where a murder will be solved by those permitted to enter the secret location.
Happy Birthday - we are going to have a wonderful day.
November 22, 2008
Mind, Body & Spirit Festival
I have been attending the Mind, Body & Spirit Festival in Sydney for the past 2 years and have enjoyed the wonderful people and energies that it attracts to Darling Harbour. Each time is different as I have new things opening to me, because where I am in this amazing journey. My friend Kerrie also came along this time and we had a great day together. We have been friends since the age of 13 and over that time we have seen each other grow into adults and watched each other's family grow and their transformations....Even better is that we have also discovered at the same time a growth in our awareness to this sphere of the unknown and have gain a wealth of knowledge from each other because of it. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful friend who feels more like a sister and I thank her for that. It has not always been an easy journey, but we have learnt and grown from our experiences.
We attended a seminar by Julie McKenzie, is the author of the bestselling non-fiction title, Dancing with Spirit-Love your soul, find your freedom and upcoming book Enchanted Meditations. She has also released Gemma & the Fairies her first title in a series of children's books.
Julie is a clairvoyant who communicates with Spirit on many different levels. She connects with Spirit using all the senses as well as love, light and compassion. Through her enchanted meditations she shows you how to call upon your loved ones, Guides, Angels and Fairies, to find the Spirit within to empower you to live your soul destiny. Julie carries out workshops as well as has a website to check out at www.purereflections.com.au. I found her very interesting and informative and a really lovely lady to talk with.

Karen McMillan is Julie's sister and she does Crystal Workshops. Karen unlocks the door to the crystal world giving insight into the history, wisdom and knowledge of crystals. In her workshop she gives you the ability to connect with crystals from Mother Earth to your mind, body and soul. You will learn about crystals magical qualities of protection and guidance and how to manifest your intentions. Check out her at www.anjewelsandgems.com.au.
I also was in awe of two ladies called Wendy Ishewe & Lyn Shiona - "I see Angels" they are visionary artists and in 20 minutes you will see you guides or angels appear before your eyes through they amazing talent create a drawing in chalk. I was fascinated all day and was drawn (pardon the pun) back to watch their creations. Both Kerrie and I had our spirit guides drawn and amazingly we both had native American Indians. My wonderful guide is White Wolf and he has been assisting me in my healings with the Reiki over the past few months. With the picture it now hangs in pride of place watching over me in my new wellness room which I have created to carry out Reiki/Seichem healings. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful helper and guide. Thank you....
Wendy Ishewe phone. 0402 849512 or Lyn Shiona 0417564277. Give them a call if you would like to know your angel or guide .... you will be impressed at their work.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say Thank you to my very dear friend Cynthia. I have been attending a meditation group each Tuesday since July and have enjoyed the peace and wellbeing that it has given me in my life. Cynthia joined the group after a couple of months and we have became great friends she has a great support and she has her own blog and you can visit it at www.chrysalidic.blogspot.com for more interesting information.
I hope you day is great and you findurwings....Roz

I have been attending the Mind, Body & Spirit Festival in Sydney for the past 2 years and have enjoyed the wonderful people and energies that it attracts to Darling Harbour. Each time is different as I have new things opening to me, because where I am in this amazing journey. My friend Kerrie also came along this time and we had a great day together. We have been friends since the age of 13 and over that time we have seen each other grow into adults and watched each other's family grow and their transformations....Even better is that we have also discovered at the same time a growth in our awareness to this sphere of the unknown and have gain a wealth of knowledge from each other because of it. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful friend who feels more like a sister and I thank her for that. It has not always been an easy journey, but we have learnt and grown from our experiences.
We attended a seminar by Julie McKenzie, is the author of the bestselling non-fiction title, Dancing with Spirit-Love your soul, find your freedom and upcoming book Enchanted Meditations. She has also released Gemma & the Fairies her first title in a series of children's books.

Julie is a clairvoyant who communicates with Spirit on many different levels. She connects with Spirit using all the senses as well as love, light and compassion. Through her enchanted meditations she shows you how to call upon your loved ones, Guides, Angels and Fairies, to find the Spirit within to empower you to live your soul destiny. Julie carries out workshops as well as has a website to check out at www.purereflections.com.au. I found her very interesting and informative and a really lovely lady to talk with.

Karen McMillan is Julie's sister and she does Crystal Workshops. Karen unlocks the door to the crystal world giving insight into the history, wisdom and knowledge of crystals. In her workshop she gives you the ability to connect with crystals from Mother Earth to your mind, body and soul. You will learn about crystals magical qualities of protection and guidance and how to manifest your intentions. Check out her at www.anjewelsandgems.com.au.
I also was in awe of two ladies called Wendy Ishewe & Lyn Shiona - "I see Angels" they are visionary artists and in 20 minutes you will see you guides or angels appear before your eyes through they amazing talent create a drawing in chalk. I was fascinated all day and was drawn (pardon the pun) back to watch their creations. Both Kerrie and I had our spirit guides drawn and amazingly we both had native American Indians. My wonderful guide is White Wolf and he has been assisting me in my healings with the Reiki over the past few months. With the picture it now hangs in pride of place watching over me in my new wellness room which I have created to carry out Reiki/Seichem healings. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful helper and guide. Thank you....
Wendy Ishewe phone. 0402 849512 or Lyn Shiona 0417564277. Give them a call if you would like to know your angel or guide .... you will be impressed at their work.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say Thank you to my very dear friend Cynthia. I have been attending a meditation group each Tuesday since July and have enjoyed the peace and wellbeing that it has given me in my life. Cynthia joined the group after a couple of months and we have became great friends she has a great support and she has her own blog and you can visit it at www.chrysalidic.blogspot.com for more interesting information.
I hope you day is great and you findurwings....Roz
November 21, 2008

It has been a little while since posting an article on this website and with that I felt the emotion of this week's event that has unfolded in a small coastal town, on the South Coast of New South Wales. A father takes his two small son's - Riley aged 4 years and Travis 15 months, to a wharf to share his passion of fishing and spending time bonding with his sons. It shows how in a split second lives can change so dramatically and with huge mountains to climb for the people left behind and to come to terms with in the lives.
This event touched my heart and I am sure many, many others around the world. It is not just the sadness of a man who was a father, son and to be husband or that the two boys had their lives still with so much to do and achieve. In one moment in time it is gone. I can only imagine the pain or how the mother Stacey comes to terms with the lose of her three men in her life, but I will never be able to know what it is like, as I have never experienced it. All I can say is that my love and thoughts go out to her and that in time the pain will ease, the memories be great ones and that she will find happiness, joy and a peace that she deserves for her life ahead. GOD BLESS.....
An appeal has been set up for donations at Horizon Credit Union.
Shane O'Neill Family Appeal
bsb 802 124
acct. no 90058
If you are able to give a little this will assist in helping Stacey to move ahead without financial worry, one less thing she will have to climb and it will give you amazing rewards with the joy of giving back to the Universe.
We never know what is around the corner, so enjoy every moment of your day, experience all the world has to give, validate and appreciate the people in your life. Count your blessings and be grateful, the more you do the more you create.
"YESTERDAY is history - TOMORROW a mystery - TODAY IS GIFT - that's why they call it the PRESENT". - Unknown.
November 19, 2008
Hi – I have some very exciting news that I wanted to share with you. As you may know I have gone through some wonderful transformations in my life over the past couple of years.
On August 23rd I was attuned into level 1 Reiki/Seichem and then on 17th September into level 2. Since my attunement I have been given the opportunity to practice Reiki/Seichem on friends, family and work colleagues with very positive feedback. I have been very busy in creating a beautiful environment that I can make a business at home. On 11th November my first client experience an hour Reiki healing with a feeling of calmness and wellbeing after the treatment. I would like to invite you, your family and friends to make an appointment with me so that you may also may experience this beneficial energy which is given through my hands. Reiki shines light on the things within ourselves that we don’t like to see very much and enables us to accept them with equal love. Being able to see or recognize yourself is the beginning of the change.
@Relaxes and reduces stress
@Promotes creativity
@ Strengthens life force energy
@ Strengthens intuition
@ Treats symptoms and causes of illness
@ Heals holistically
@ Strengthens the immune system
@ Relieves pain and clears toxins
@Releases blocks and suppressed feelings
@Promotes natural self healing
@ Adapts to the needs of the receiver
@Balancing the energy in the body
@ Enhances personal awareness
@ helps meditative states
@Re-establishes spiritual equilibrium
@ Promotes clarity of mind
I am passionate about my healing and feel my purpose is to help others. I would love to be given the opportunity to work with you to find wellbeing, happiness and continued joy in your life. I am grateful for you taking the time to reading this email and look forward to seeing you for a healing. I wish you abundance, prosperity and joy.
Mobile no. 0415403530
email. findingurwings@live.com.au
Prices: 1hr Reiki/Seichem healing session $60.00
30 min Reiki/Seichem treatment $30.00
30 min Distant Healing session $30.00
Angelic/crystal card reading $20.00
Gift vouchers available.
November 2, 2008
Hi - for those who wish to further their spiritual journey The Mind, Body and Spirit Festival is on at Darling Harbour from the 6th - 9th November. Check out the website for more information with seminars, guest speakers and lots of exhibitors for you to enjoy and discover.
My friend Kerrie is travelling down from the country to spend a the weekend with me and we have a day at the festival and then John Edward at Hordern Pavilion at Fox Studio on Saturday.... we have been planning this for a few months and it is going to be wonderful.
This weekend saw carpet tiles laid in my garage, which I have been converting to my Reiki healing room over the past couple of months. I have had some amazing things happen with developing my new business of Findingurwings Reiki healings and my first client has been placed in the appointment book for the 11th November. A very fitting date with it being Rememberance Day.
With paint freshly done, new carpet and lights to be installed in the next 2 weeks the garage has transformed to a beautiful enviroment which has given me hours of enjoyment and pleasure. I look forward to my brochure to be designed by my friend Costa and I have since been offered by another friend Lyle to develop a logo for findingurwings..... I have been given some wonderful opportunities and wonderful caring people to help me along my path and I feel very blessed and extremely happy.
I look forward giving more updates and hope that you might like to come and book in for an hour Reiki healing in the future. If you would like to come and help move forward in your life and experience the calmness and wellbeing it brings to you. Please send a email to me or phone on 0415403530 for more information.
Sending you lots of love and have a wonderful week findingurwings.....Roz
My friend Kerrie is travelling down from the country to spend a the weekend with me and we have a day at the festival and then John Edward at Hordern Pavilion at Fox Studio on Saturday.... we have been planning this for a few months and it is going to be wonderful.
This weekend saw carpet tiles laid in my garage, which I have been converting to my Reiki healing room over the past couple of months. I have had some amazing things happen with developing my new business of Findingurwings Reiki healings and my first client has been placed in the appointment book for the 11th November. A very fitting date with it being Rememberance Day.
With paint freshly done, new carpet and lights to be installed in the next 2 weeks the garage has transformed to a beautiful enviroment which has given me hours of enjoyment and pleasure. I look forward to my brochure to be designed by my friend Costa and I have since been offered by another friend Lyle to develop a logo for findingurwings..... I have been given some wonderful opportunities and wonderful caring people to help me along my path and I feel very blessed and extremely happy.
I look forward giving more updates and hope that you might like to come and book in for an hour Reiki healing in the future. If you would like to come and help move forward in your life and experience the calmness and wellbeing it brings to you. Please send a email to me or phone on 0415403530 for more information.
Sending you lots of love and have a wonderful week findingurwings.....Roz
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