I have been attending the Mind, Body & Spirit Festival in Sydney for the past 2 years and have enjoyed the wonderful people and energies that it attracts to Darling Harbour. Each time is different as I have new things opening to me, because where I am in this amazing journey. My friend Kerrie also came along this time and we had a great day together. We have been friends since the age of 13 and over that time we have seen each other grow into adults and watched each other's family grow and their transformations....Even better is that we have also discovered at the same time a growth in our awareness to this sphere of the unknown and have gain a wealth of knowledge from each other because of it. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful friend who feels more like a sister and I thank her for that. It has not always been an easy journey, but we have learnt and grown from our experiences.
We attended a seminar by Julie McKenzie, is the author of the bestselling non-fiction title, Dancing with Spirit-Love your soul, find your freedom and upcoming book Enchanted Meditations. She has also released Gemma & the Fairies her first title in a series of children's books.

Julie is a clairvoyant who communicates with Spirit on many different levels. She connects with Spirit using all the senses as well as love, light and compassion. Through her enchanted meditations she shows you how to call upon your loved ones, Guides, Angels and Fairies, to find the Spirit within to empower you to live your soul destiny. Julie carries out workshops as well as has a website to check out at www.purereflections.com.au. I found her very interesting and informative and a really lovely lady to talk with.

Karen McMillan is Julie's sister and she does Crystal Workshops. Karen unlocks the door to the crystal world giving insight into the history, wisdom and knowledge of crystals. In her workshop she gives you the ability to connect with crystals from Mother Earth to your mind, body and soul. You will learn about crystals magical qualities of protection and guidance and how to manifest your intentions. Check out her at www.anjewelsandgems.com.au.
I also was in awe of two ladies called Wendy Ishewe & Lyn Shiona - "I see Angels" they are visionary artists and in 20 minutes you will see you guides or angels appear before your eyes through they amazing talent create a drawing in chalk. I was fascinated all day and was drawn (pardon the pun) back to watch their creations. Both Kerrie and I had our spirit guides drawn and amazingly we both had native American Indians. My wonderful guide is White Wolf and he has been assisting me in my healings with the Reiki over the past few months. With the picture it now hangs in pride of place watching over me in my new wellness room which I have created to carry out Reiki/Seichem healings. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful helper and guide. Thank you....
Wendy Ishewe phone. 0402 849512 or Lyn Shiona 0417564277. Give them a call if you would like to know your angel or guide .... you will be impressed at their work.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say Thank you to my very dear friend Cynthia. I have been attending a meditation group each Tuesday since July and have enjoyed the peace and wellbeing that it has given me in my life. Cynthia joined the group after a couple of months and we have became great friends she has a great support and she has her own blog and you can visit it at www.chrysalidic.blogspot.com for more interesting information.
I hope you day is great and you findurwings....Roz
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