Over the past couple of years I have had more of an awareness regarding possessions that I have and that are around me in my home. I was speaking with a couple of co-workers only last week and we were discussing living with clutter in our homes even to the point where one was spending money to a hire a storage facility, doing this all because they may or may not need the things in the future. Unable to let go of stuff. It has become a big part of my psyche to clear out the clutter, because my belief is that our outer world is a reflection of our inner self. If you stop for one moment step back and look at your outer world how does it look? More to the point how does it feel?
With the global crisis as it is so eloquently put by the world’s media, I believe that this is the universe’s wake-up call to us to have a shift in awareness and return to some sort of balance. As human beings we have detached from the oneness of this universe and now is the time to find the joy and gratitude in our daily lives. If we work on ourselves from the inside out, remove the clutter of past experiences and learn from that experience, we will be in a more peaceful state of being. We attracted what we have in our lives consciously or unconsciously for a reason. We have to take responsibility for all the choices we make in our lives and it is not always fair or just – it just is. Life is a challenge; it is how you handle it that counts.
I love the saying “Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
TODAY IS A GIFT – that’s why it’s the present.
Finding out what the issue is and clearing that clutter is confronting. It is taking responsibility and not adopting victim status. It is seeing what lesson you can learn and forgive for whatever reason. Forgiveness is not forgiving the person or situation, but releasing a negative emotion (charge) stored in you so that you can move on with your life more joyfully.
I was watching the Oprah show and it was on a couple of families that took a challenge to change their lives for one week and pack up their stuff they hadn’t used in 2 months (eg. Clothes, shoes etc) and put it all into storage. They had a budget of $100 for a week’s groceries, no TV or internet and walked the kids to school instead of driving them 5 minutes down the road. This is a tough challenge, but it was life changing. The 2 families on reflection of the weeks experience were of positive change and their reasons for their waste and clutter previously wasn’t about the stuff. It came from a deeper insecurity that happened from within them through a life experience. A profound realization - they had to look inside themselves to see what was happening within them to fix the outside world they had.

A book that was mentioned was Secrets of Simplicity -- Bulging in-boxes, out-of-control stress, and even climate change serve as reminders that when it comes to being happy and healthy, less is more. In this interactive journal, organization expert Mary Carlomagno leads readers on a journey toward release and discovery. Guided by the principle that the way you spend your time and money should reflect your true priorities, Secrets of Simplicity shows how to make practical changes to unburden your closets and calendars and make room for what's really important. Readers can record their successes, as they de-clutter their homes and in the process, their minds.
Organizing from the Inside Out – Julie Morgenstern.- The foolproof System for Organizing your home, your office and your life.

Tomorrow moves into the zodiac sign of GEMINI (22 May to 22 June) Gemini is a positive/masculine sign and air element. Birth stone Agate. Glyph - _ the two lines represent the two children, the two bright stars, Castor and Pollux of classical mythology.
Gemini’s are the seekers of knowledge. They are curious, sociable, imaginative and have a strong desire to learn, they express themselves and love to tell stories. They are thinkers, have great communication skills and great distributors of information. The lifestyle of a Gemini is a diversity, motion and collaboration with many different people. This behaviour is all a means to an end, and the end that Gemini’s seek is the truth.
Famous Gemini Sun Signs –
1907 - Laurence Olivier (actor), 1819 – Queen Victoria, 1917- John F Kennedy (US President), 1926 – Marilyn Monroe (actress), 1968 – Kylie Minogue (singer), 1963 – Johnny Depp (actor), 1955 – David Clarkson (leading goal scorer U45 Lane Cove team) and ? – Lynn Watson (amazing friend).
David & I are off to see some amazing places around the world from the 25th May until the 21st June. We will be visiting Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto for 6 days, then on to Prague spending 3 nights. David and I have looked forward to our visit to Prague as it has been on our ‘to do’ list for a few years now. We will travel down to Vienna and then spend 12 days in the UK. We will visit our daughter Brittany, who has been working in Leeds for 3 weeks. We will visit other friends and family over the north and south of the country and also go to Stonehenge and Royal Ascot before returning to Australia. Many adventures to have and enjoyed. I will keep you posted on all the fun we have.

Until the next time experience all you can, learn and I hope you are findingurwings …… Roz.