Last Friday and Sunday I took friends to the festival and it was fabulous. There was so much to see, feel, to do and I enjoyed all aspects of connecting with spirit. There is so much information you can gain so you can continue your journey and open your own psychic development. We attended Jason MacDonald (Medium), had a private reading and I also added to my ever growing crystal collection. I have started cataloguing them with individual pictures and writing what their healing properties are and which chakra they would be most beneficial for when doing my Chakra healings/Reiki treatments. Attended a free seminar with Paul Fenton-Smith and a few other people who give you helpful advice on all sorts of topics. My friend Kerrie who came with me last November was with me again and her husband Val (newest convert) also joined the merry band of uplifted spiritualist purchasing a traditional drum, Sacred Earth cd and new crystals to enjoy. He says he will be back again, it was great to enjoy your company. The next festival is 5th – 8th November, so mark it in your diary, but I will advise closer to the time.
The Full Moon is on 9th May so a great time to bathe those crystals. If you need details on how to do this you can look at past articles on this blog or www.anjewelsandgems.com with Karen who has a great knowledge on crystals and I attended her crystal healing workshop in April.
Over the past month I have been bringing my visualization to reality with the changes around our home. Since my last article we have had the 5 pine trees removed and that has opened our space amazingly, I didn’t realize energetically how much our front door had been blocked by the 2 pines either side and when they were removed I walked out and could feel my body as if it had more room to breath. We have had the outside painted in 3 shades of brown to blend with mother nature. The final stage is under way with the transformation of our 2 courtyards. The old pavers have been removed and the laying of beautiful Himalayan sandstone put in its place, sandstone stack to be placed on 2 walls with low voltage lighting in walls for atmosphere in the night. My Buddha water fountain will have its own stand and will have pride of place in my meditation garden. This vision was in my mind two years ago and with the knowledge I have gained with the tools from The Secret and many others helpful people as Michael Lossier, John Assaraf and a very good man David Clarkson, this is my reality – Thank you.
My beautiful girl – Brittany is in the UK and will be living there for the next 5 months. She set off on her adventure last Friday and today we had our first email from her. I am very proud of her and she to has made her visualization a reality. She made a decision on leaving school last year and worked very hard saving and now she is working in a pub in Leeds. The angels are taking care of her and she is even in a town where her cousin is attending Uni and has a flat only 10 mins from her. Her Aunt and Uncle are 40 mins away and go there each weekend. None of this was even known until the day before she travelled but my belief in they will do what is in her best interests, it worked out perfect. She will have some amazing adventures and if you would like to find out more go to www.getjealous.com/britters.
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY – To my Mum, all my beautiful friends that are the most amazing Mothers – I wish you a very happy day on Sunday 10th May.
Thank you to my two gorgeous girls Avril & Brittany – thanks for taking the time to enjoy a Mother’s Day high tea at The Tea Room, QVB in Sydney on Thursday. Three generations had a lovely Champagne celebration to say bon voyague and have a great day. It was a lovely thing to do so if you want to do something a little special go and indulge.
Until next time, go findingurwings……. Roz
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