Welcome to the August Newsletter, this edition will have the usual content with a little extra information as well. I hope you enjoy this edition & I welcome you to pass this newletter on to anyone you know who would benefite from the information it contains....Happy reading !www.anjewelsandgems.com.au for more information.
FULL MOON - Thurs 6th Aug
About The Full Moon - The full moon occurs when the Moon lies on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun. The moon as seen from the surface of the earth is fully illuminated by the sun at this time, presenting a "full" round disc to viewers on earth. As always, only half the total surface of the moon is illuminated. The full moon reaches its highest elevation at midnight
A full moon is the only time when a lunar eclipse is possible; at that time the moon may move through the shadow cast by the earth. However, because of the tilt of the moon's orbit around the earth relative to the earth's orbit around the sun, the moon may pass above or below the shadow, so a lunar eclipse does not occur at every full moon.
Full moons are not good times to conduct astronomical observations, since the bright reflected sunlight from the moon overwhelms the dimmer light of stars. This, however is an excellent time to cleanse & re-energise your crystal collection.
Interesting facts about the moon
Size comparison The volume of Earth's moon is the same as the volume of the Pacific Ocean.
Lunar magnetic field The Moon has no global magnetic field. You cannot use a compass to find your direction.
I've received many messages from spirit wanting me to emphasis the importance of keeping your crystals cleansed & re-energised. Doing this, has your crystals working at their best all the time, this in turn benefits not only you, but all those around you. This has been such a frequent message from spirit of late, I have decided to devote a whole section on cleansing & clearing your crystals.
Cleansing & Re-Energising your Crystals -
Crystals are like sponges; absorbing both the positive and negative vibrations from the environment around them. They need to be cleansed regularly to make the most of the healing properties they offer and to clear away any unwanted energies.
There are a few crystals however, that don’t absorb or store negative energy and therefore don’t need to be cleansed. These stones include Clear Quartz, Citrine, Carnelian, Kyanite and recently added to the list is Selenite & Super Seven.
Crystals and gemstones should always been cleansed before being used for any type of healing or therapy work. After cleansing you can feel the new positive energy radiating from the crystals.
Some of the cleansing methods below are a little more complex and others quite simple. Go with what feels comfortable for you and the energy of the crystal.
Salt Water Method
While this is a popular way to cleanse crystals, we really don't recommend it to be a common cleansing method. You need to know more information about your crystals to be sure that they are not porous or soft and may be damaged by salt water. Salt water can seep into the structure of some crystals and stones and cause them to break. Crystals that don't cleanse well in salt water are Calcite, Carnelian, Fuschite, Halite, Hematite, Kynanite, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Lodestone (Magnetite), Mica, Moldavite, Opal, Selenite, Turquoise, Ulexite and many more. If you are unsure about your crystals structure, stick to the safe side and choose another cleansing option. If you do choose to use salt water, do not leave them in it for too long.
Sunlight or Moonlight Method
The rays of the sun and moon are incredibly cleansing & re-energising. Placing your crystals outside where they can soak up the sunlight for a couple of hours. Do be careful though, as some crystals may fade if exposed to long periods of sunlight. To use moonlight, place your crystals out one to three nights of the full moon. This is very beneficial for clearing & recharging your crystals energy. If you have any doubts use only moonlight cleansing.
Earth Burial Method
Burying crystals is very cleansing and healing for them. Along with the moonlight method, these are the only two methods that clear & re-charge your crystals. You can bury them in the Earth for three - seven days in your garden or in a garden pot. Be sure that if you bury your crystals in the garden that you mark the spot! You don't want to have to dig up half the garden to find your crystal again. It is said this method restores the orginial energy of the crystal, as it was delivered by Mother Earth.
Smudging Method
Smudging is a quick & easy method of clearing crystals of unwanted energy. To smudge them, pass your crystal several times through the smoke of burning cedar, sage or incense. Avoid perfumed incenses as they do not clear as completely or as rapidly as sage or more basic incense like Nag Champa.
Reiki Method
Reiki is another favourite method of cleansing crystals. In a sense, it's channelling the universal life force energy to heal the crystal of negativity and unwanted energies. If you are a Reiki practitioner, just treat the crystal as you would any other person or animal that needs healing and set your intent to heal the crystal.
Stone/Crystal Clearing Method
Some crystals will clear the negative or unwanted energies from other crystals. Clearing Stones/Crystals include Quartz Crystal Clusters, Amethyst Clusters, Kyanite and Selenite. Place the crystal to be cleared on the "clearing" stone/crystal and leave for 24-48 hours.
Ask/Intent Method
This is too simple for most peoples' need for ritual, but it does work wonderfully. Simply ask God/Goddess/Universe - your higher power - to clear and cleanse your crystal for you. You can also simply ask the crystal to clear itself.
Whichever method you choose, the exact length of time needed for clearing varies according to personal taste and the state of the crystal. Trust your intuition to lead you to the best method and length of time for you and your crystal.
Crystal Ally Card for August ~
Bloodstone ~ Courage
Bloodstone is a legendary stone which has been held in high regard by many ancient cultures. Ancient Christians believed that it was formed when Christ's blood fell from his body on the cross, spotting the green Earth with its stain. Beacuse of its bloodlike appearance, it was believed to have powers over wound & illness, healing both the body and the soul.
Bloodstone's energy combines the green ray of the heart with the red energy of the first chakra. This combination fo energies strengthens one's ability to maintain emotional balance when faced with survial issues. It lends courage, or 'heart', when one is confronted with difficult situations. Bloodstone lends strength of mind, firmness of purpose & confidence when a situation calls for you to take action.
Bloodstone strengthens & cleanses the blood, increasing the flow of life force to the tissues of the body. It also lends the strength of the Green Ray, which is healing & growth, to the heart centre, encouraging emotional healing & renewal. It is often through acts of courage that we find the strength of our own convictions & beliefs. Courage is the ability to act, because of a conviction of higher truth, even in situations that threaten the very life force of the body. Bloodstone calls one forth from the shadows of uncertainty & aids one in stepping upon the path of courage.
True courage is the strength of mind & spirit needed to take the action that is dictated to you by your heart. This is the path of the spiritual warrior. Bloodstone calls this courage forth, enabling you to manifest your personal truth & your heart's desires upon the Earth plane.
Animal Spirit Guide for August -
Rattlesnake / Snake
When Rattlesnake appears it is sign of transformation. Pay attention to any signs or omens that may be warning you to stay away or stay clear, especially to any that you hear.
For your health, do a detox to help release the toxins in your body.
Record your dreams in a dream journal, as they will give you guidance to the passage you're going through.
Your sensitivity to others' auras will increase, such that you'll either see or feel them more strongly than ever. Learn to trust what you see & feel around others.
Anything you do now to heal yourself physically or emotionally will be the start of major transformative cycle for yourself, one that will lead to greater benefits for you, your family & friends.
When snake appears your about to go through some significant personal changes, so intense & dramatic that an old self will metaphorically die as a new self emerges.
Your going to feel a surge of energy that will sharpen your senses, alert your mental faculties & open up new channels of awarness.
You're about to resolve a long-standing issue, one that has required a great deal of your attention, by seeing things in a new light.
It would be a good time to start doing either trantric or kundalini yoga.
You'll experience a dramatic & unexpected physical or emotional healing very soon, coming from an unexpected source.
I look at the combination of the Bloodstone & Courage card together with the Rattlesnake & Snake as our spirit guide for August & it reiterates the message from spirit about change & transformation. August is going to be a big month for it, it will be kick started with the full moon & will carry on from there. Use this month to your advantage to shed the old & release the new. The bloodstone will give you the ability to detox & cleanse your physical system, this will give you the strength to work on your emotional side, with releasing the old. Work through issues of your past and move forward. Use Bloodstone to give you support through this time of change.
What's On....
Both Julie & I will be at The White Light Expo that will be on in Toowoomba at the end of the month. Saturday & Sunday the 29th & 30th August 2009. It will be at the Burke & Wills in Ruthven St Toowoomba. It opens daily from 9 -5 entry is FREE ! It is a small expo that is full of many exhibitors with quality products & services. We look forward to seeing you there.
Until next time, Cheers Karen