Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th August 2009
The Burke & Wills Hotel Toowoomba
544 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba
The White Light Psychic & Alternate Health Expos have been set up to encourage the community to embrace Alternate Health.
What will be at the Expo -
With Free Entry and open 9am to 5pm daily, people can come to any of the Expos throughout South East Queensland and avail themselves of the knowledge and wonderment that these complimentary modalities hold.
Not only can you try various treatments at the expo's, but also learn from the many lectures that are held over the weekend which give further insight into a more rewarding healthier you. The lectures are free and ongoing during the weekend.
There will be a dedicated and professional group of Psychics, Clairvoyants & Mediums at the Expo.
No Expo is complete without having your Aura Photo taken and the highly skilled team has one of the most trusted and respected psychics who will read the photo for you.
At all of the expo's there is a local Spirit Guide artist. These ladies continually amaze people with their clarity and beauty, you watch with enchantment as your Spirit Guide appears on paper in front of you. The majority of these artists also do a channelled reading about your Spirit Guide or give you messages from your Spirit Guide.
Of course Julie & I will be at the White Light Expo in Toowoomba again. We will have our usual range of stock, including our exceptional quaility unique crystals, Crystal & Gemstone Jewellery, Dancing With Spirit & Gemma & The Fairies - Autographed copies, Salt City Candles, Angel Card Decks & Animal Card Decks. We will both have time set aside for readings, book early to avoid disappointment as places are limited. To book yourself a reading with Karen - Ph 0408 987487 or Julie - Ph 0418 765634.
There will be free entry forms available for the SUPER Raffle. There are over $ 1500 in prizes to win. All you need to do is email me requesting your free entry form - I will forwarded you 3 offical entry forms. Print & fill out your entry form, bring it along to the White Light Expo at the Burke & Wills & drop it into the Entry Bin ! Good Luck.
So come along, relax & try out some of the different modalities, there is always something new to learn & see. Julie & I look forward to seeing you at the Burke & Wills in Toowoomba for another amazing expo.
See you then, Cheers Karen
PS Don't forget to make time to play " The Wish " Game at the Open Heart Room Stand only $ 20 per game. Lorraine Stewart is a certified facilitator of the game. The games is an excellent tool to help you achieve your " Wishes, Goals or Dreams " !
What have you got to lose? Nothing other than the fact you may achieve your wish!!!
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