Entitled/Entitlement: to give (a person or thing) a title, right, or claim to something.
This was one if not the biggest lesson I have understood to date. I attended a lecture by Caroline Myss at Darling Harbour, on the weekend. She asked the question: what are we entitled to? ……after many different people saying health, happiness, respect etc, there was a pause. The answer is NOTHING. We are entitled to NOTHING in this life.
The EGO has an attachment to the belief that it is entitled to “this or that” because it is always looking “what is in it for me”. Society or belief patterns tell us that if we have done things for someone then we are entitled to have it returned for us. Excuses – “I have worked hard, done the right thing (as society expects of us), raised my children, and been a good wife/husband” - then we deserve. Yes, we can have that, but we are not entitled to it. How many times I have heard someone say “if you give respect then you will be respected”? By whom? Why? This is an illusion. Why must others give back what you give out? It is your choice what you do for others and if you come from your heart/spirit than you will have the gift that you did something beautiful just because you choose to and the other person will also have a lovely feeling. Others around you will also be influenced by the gift. This is the energy of this world. We are all connected by this frequency. Everything you think and do send a vibration and it impacts all of us. If you work from the ego and have a scorecard running you will be disappointed.
I had an email sent to me the other day which was wonderful validation that this concept is truth. It was a woman being asked if her husband made her happy. She answers to the surprise of her husband and questioners ‘NO, he doesn’t make me HAPPY” she says ‘I AM HAPPY”. Happiness is because you choose to be…..not because you expect someone to give it to you.
My example for the ego was a story yesterday that a man who survived skin cancer was suing for million dollars from the company that supplied a sun bed and that no one had warned him of the dangers. This intrigued me where was the gratitude that he had survived this? What part did he play and what ownership did he accept? And then it screamed EGO – WHAT WAS IN IT FOR ME?
Every day I make a conscience decision to come from heart/spirit – “ask what I can do to make this day a wonderful day?” Today, I held a door open for a gentleman who was delivering packages. It may only take a smile or say good morning to a stranger, give a person some of your time and attention. A lot of small things add up to a wonderful vibration.
The other day I gave a lift to 2 people who live in my street. I had never spoken to them before, but knew they went to the same university as my daughter, they were grateful for the gesture. Give it try it costs you nothing in monetary value but I guarantee your heart will sing.
I hope you are findingurwings…..Ros