MY JOURNEY – Ros Clarkson
How the Universe and I conquered my left breast abnormality in 2010/11 and I am grateful, joyful and very lucky to have wonderful health, family, friends and a very prosperous way of living. Thank you.
Hi, I am Ros Clarkson.
Age: 48
I enjoy being a daughter, sister, and mother of two beautiful girls, loving wife, friend, healer, spiritualist and more. I have been very lucky, especially over this past 4 years to learn so much. Given opportunities to pass on knowledge and assist others to create better ways of living. The challenges I now know are lessons to help teach me, or assist me in my work. They are not a punishment of me personally. I have learnt that our words are powerful – feelings are how the universe works. If you want more joy in your living, be happy, grateful and see the best in every moment, opportunity and situation. If you are negative you will get it in return. Treat yourself the way you want to be treated and give yourself permission to make mistakes. There is no right or wrong, good or bad – just challenges. We cannot control all that happens to us – stuff happens, but you do have control of how you handle these challenges (10% - 90% rule). May your life be blessed and filled with joy, laughter and love.
After 2 weeks of having slight pain in my left breast I decided to see my doctor Richard Janus on 7th May, he did feel something and to be safe we scheduled a check at the Breast Clinic in Sydney on 10th May. After many tests and procedures Dr Sue Fraser advised David (husband) and I that there was an abnormality (growth) under the nipple and that she recommended surgery (mastectomy) on return of our overseas holiday to Italy, France and UK which had been planned. More tests, scans, appointments we to be attended and I meet my surgeon Dr Warren Hargreaves during that week. We left on 19th May for our trip and a date to have surgery penciled in on my return. This also gave me a month to work with my holistic work to enjoy our trip, connect to my body and see if I was able to change this abnormality – as I believed it was mine and needed to release this from me. On my return I attended a scan on 25th June to make sure I required surgery. Unfortunately, the abnormality had grown and I had a mastectomy of the left breast and 17 lymph nodes removed on Friday 2nd July. It was successful and I felt well. As days progressed I felt strong and focused on my continuing health and wellbeing. During this time my daughter Avril was also involved in a bad car accident and was hospitalized during the same time with broken left leg, pelvis, ribs and bladder. It was a very busy week and we handled it very well under the circumstances.
It is one month on from surgery I am feeling well, strong and very positive. I have some moments of uncertainty and I am a little scared, but ready to take every day with positive and inspired thoughts. – THIS TOO SHALL PASS.
Since writing this I have seen progress in both our health. Avril is about to have her pelvic frame removed and in time will be freely moving. I had my first treatment of Chemotherapy last week and together with my belief systems, holistic tools and giving from heart, I am enjoying being very well.
I attended a workshop “You Can Do It” – by Hay House, in Sydney last weekend. I have answers to live my life by ......coming from SPIRIT.
I hope you are findingurwings……Ros

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