Celebration cupcakes |
As 2011 draws to a close the usual voices are saying “where has this year gone?” This year for me (Ros) commenced in January strutting this beautiful body through 25 sessions of radiation therapy. It was a blast – pardon the pun!!! I got to know the staff personally and there is no hiding, so crystals, meditation and relaxing music were the order of the day and I would drift off to somewhere else for the 5 or so minutes this machine would take aim and zap what once was my breast area.
I was very fortunate to have a wonderful human angel in the name of Todd - he made the day, and we would have joke and chat. On the last day -hugs. Cupcakes became a big theme during my treatments. Mum would create decorative cupcakes for me to deliver to staff and patients. 3 times we did this - people loved it.
Last treatment day Aug 11. |
Overall my body withstood the bombardment of chemo/radiation/herceptin extremely well. The occasional tummy cramp (went after a few hours), loss of taste for a week each treatment, hair loss (eye brows/lashes remained intact) but overall a champion. August saw the completion and great scans showing all-clear. I believe in the alternative therapies (Reiki, acupuncture, massage, herbal tablets and positive attitude) medical assistance and Divine guidance – I was very blessed. So off that subject - I had a great support team.
While I was going through my own personal healing Mother Earth unleased some energy of her own. Many experienced global natural disasters (Queensland floods, Victorian bushfires, Christchurch earthquake & Japanese Tsunami) just to name a few, with devastating impacts on our world. This was a test for the human spirit which experienced this, with some losing loved ones, homes, belongings, livelihoods but they rose above adversity. What it showed was the possible achievements that can be realise when we join together as a community. Our prayers and support continue to make this world a better place for us to live in.
The most wonderful place in the world I have been was, for 2 weeks in April, Hawaii. 9 ladies from Australia enjoyed many wonderful things on the Big Island, awesome food & drink, swimming with the dolphins & manta rays, visiting a volcano, bus trip and enjoying the healing energy of the island. In October I had time with friends Paulette & Simon in their new home near Byron Bay reading, visited Crystal Castle (it was on the bucket list) enjoyed the waterfall & in November had a surprise trip to Japan with David. Visited Toyko Disneyland, race track, had traditional Japanese meals and got to know the subway well. I love Japan – hope to go again.
Japan. |
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Dolphin swim in Kona, Big Island |
I have assisted my parents move home in the past month. They have downsized as the garden was a big job with lots of pruning. So after 35 years they moved down the mountain near to my brother Stevie and family. This has been wonderful as it has bought the family closer together and we have had some fun times.
I have also had my first substantial pay packet this week since leaving the golf club 2 years ago. I perform clerical/administration duties for a UK based firm, working on a contract basis for 5 months assisting a review of railways in Australia. I am Sydney office ~ it is for a friend that David went to school/uni and had lost contact up until a year ago. Weird how things work, but great. This has been a new learning curve and stepping out of my comfort zone. It has been good.
Mt Fuji |
Over the past couple of months my family have come together as a joyful unit and this has been wonderful especially for my Mum. After many years of strain and hurt she now is enjoying her time with more grandchildren. Unfortunately, my mum has also experienced a couple of accidents, one a fall where she hit her head and again a car hitting her and two other family members on Christmas eve and they ended up in hospital. Fortunately, the outcome was only a few bruises, pain which will go in time ~ this was a good result from a bad situation. Angels intervened...
My work in the holistic field has continued and I have met more and more people. So many wonderful friendships have come into my life, others have gone a separate direction and it has really taught me the lesson of “Reason, Season or Life time” relationships. I launched my website earlier this year with clients purchasing Angel guidance card readings, hands on healing sessions and I created 3 youtube video clips with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB-MRxpOL9M Tina of Inner Delight based in Holland. October commenced a monthly blogtalkradio http://shellyrwilson.wordpress.com/2011/12/05/life-enhancement-with-ros-and-shelly-on-believe-in-believing-segment-3/ “Believe in Believing” with Ros & Shelly Wilson. I continued writing on my blog, and my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/Findingurwings has continued to grow with 3,600 people following. With my regular visits through the year to the hospital I have spoken to many patients & staff to increase awareness of the benefits that complimentary therapies and positive thinking can do to assist their own healing. There is no magic pill or someone to wave a magic wand and you will be fixed. I believe that to heal you must commit to and participate in your own healing..... NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR YOU.
I have learnt it is important to:-
Listen ~ to your body and the messages from your inner knowing.
Act ~ if you receive a guiding message, act on it.
Trust ~ in the Divine source.
Believe ~ “that this too shall pass” and everything is possible.
Forgive ~ yourself and others.
LOVE ~ yourself unconditionally.
As 2012 approaches, I am open to all new opportunities and possibilities that are out there, but just cannot see yet. I embrace Living, loving and being happy.
Thank you for sharing the journey and my wish for you is that 2012 be amazing and that you are finding your own wings to soar.
Ros Clarkson – findingurwings.
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