January 10, 2013

Welcome to 2013 ~ New Beginnings

Happy New Year and welcome to new beginnings 2013.

Over the past few days I have felt the need to retreat.  I feel it will be beneficial to take time out from my normal day, connecting with people on Facebook.  I need to rest and rebalance my spiritual work and live this normal Earthy life.... the one that is Ros.

A friend kindly gifted me a Loving Guidance Reading for 2013 http://shellyrwilson.com/and as part of the reading Shelly reminded me to embrace the “amazingness” of this incarnation that is Ros Clarkson ~ “you will not be Ros again”.  Shelly is right.

I ask you to embrace you your own uniqueness.  

 We often don’t understand why we experience certain events in our lives.  Why is it that some people have a marriage which lasts a life time whilst others experience divorce?  Why do some people have great health whilst others experience illness, disease or physical challenges?  Why do some people have great wealth and others struggle financially?  Then there are people that have comfortable living standards but feel lack around them. Some will give their time freely to assist others and some will only think of their own needs.  Why are some people encouraged to be whatever they choose and others are discouraged, even put down or bullied by society.  The list goes on.

Everybody has a story to tell.  Through other people’s experiences, there are lessons for our own lives.  If you attach yourself to the victim mentality you will not grow in your spiritual journey. You will remain stuck in the past. I urge you to view each experience as a new opportunity to learn, grow and be “present” in your life today. 

Ros 5th Chemo session.
What I feel guided to do this year is to write about my experiences to assist my readers to see things in a different perspective.   We live in a world of information overload.  We have never had so much information at our fingertips as we do right now - TV, radio and particularly the internet have created  a global community at the touch of a button.  We have so many people opening their hearts in a spiritual culture.  They are stepping up to assist others to believe that there is more to this life than what we can see with our own eyes.  I have many friends that are sharing their joy of life, have a daily connection with spirit and are giving positive messages of JOY, LOVE AND HOPE.  This is my message too.  My mission is to be “vulnerable showing that it is not a weakness but actually a strength” to share the highs, lows, the mountains, the valleys and the many challenges of my life so that you may reflect on your world and if necessary make changes and create alchemy in every day. 

Life is about perspective and choices.  You have a choice how you see, feel and think.  It is about how we view experiences and situations. 

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”. Wayne Dyer
All original material posted to this site is (c) 2013, Ros Clarkson. All rights reserved.

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