September 28, 2008

MAKE A WISH TODAY - 28/09/08

I read an article by Cosmic girl in the Sunday paper today - It is a new moon tomorrow at 6.12 pm AEST - the ideal time to make a wish (or two, three, etc). Why, The dark phase of the new Moon (which comes just before the new Moon) is considered a very fertile time: what we plant then is said to grow extra well. So go out under the dark of the Moon tonight and make a wish.

Wait until after sunset. Light a candle and ask your angels to help you make the right wishes and to hear your call. Angels love gratitude, so use this moment to say "Thank you" for all the good things that have happened to you in the past month. Go out into the garden, in a park or somewhere that you feel connected to with nature. Then either read your wishes out loud, or to yourself whatever you feel is right for you. Do it as slowly as you can, feeling the emotion tied to each one of your wishes. At the end say "For the good of all or not at all", so that you don't go giving yourself any bad karma with an offbeat wish.

And then? Go inside, have a coffee, tea and leave your angels to help work out the "how to" of making your wishes come true. With your list if you have written it down on paper put the paper in a special place and read back over the next month or you can burn your wish list over a white candle, releasing it to the angels and universe. Whatever you feel is right that is what you should do! Always remember to thank your Angels, Guides or Universe, Higher Self or De vine spirit ... whatever works for you.

Have a great week findingurwings... Roz

The joy of a sandpiper - I hope you find one!!

I have enjoyed the path that this website has given me it has been a place to gather my thoughts and find interesting articles. To write about experiences and connect to people in different parts of the globe. So, I thank all the people who have allowed me into their life by this medium.

The past week has had some wonderful moments. I created a wellness healing room in my garage, putting all my books and my massage bed - (which I purchased off ebay a few weeks ago). With this I had the opportunity to channel Reiki/Seichem for my daughters boyfriend, a couple of workmates and did a distant healing for a friend in the country. I feel very blessed to have been able to help others, realise my dream of energetic healing and the start of establishing a small business from home.

My youngest daughter turned 18 and graduated from year 12, this was an amazing day that the two events coincided. It is hard to imagine what a child's life will be when you hold that tiny bundle of joy in our arms for the very first time .... How often we hear that phrase - "they grow up so fast" and you think how but.. it does, so treasure every moment make every thing count and be present in your life.

I went to a trade fair with my mum and purchased some new crystals, cards, a salt crystal lamp and beautiful worded banners for my wellness room. I also have come to understand that in this journey to find inner happiness, joy, gratitude and balance. As we reflect on lessons of relationships, love and trust. It is not all smooth sailing, as I have come to realise.

We only have control of our own feelings and destiny, the sooner we find contentment, if we are strong in our self it has ripple effect. Our life will radiate out to others and with that they to may find inner love for themselves.... we walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

I enclose a story that was sent to me by my dear friend and it touched my heart. I wish to share with you this story....... it is as follows:-

The Sandpiper

by Robert Peterson

She was six years old when I first met her on the beach near where I live.
I drive to this beach, a distance of three or four miles, whenever the world begins to close in on me. She was building a sand castle or something and looked up, her eyes as blue as the sea.

"Hello," she said.

I answered with a nod, not really in the mood to bother with a small child.

"I'm building," she said.

"I see that. What is it?" I asked, not really caring.

"Oh, I don't know, I just like the feel of sand."

That sounds good, I thought, and slipped off my shoes.

A sandpiper glided by.

"That's a joy," the child said.

"It's a what?"

"It's a joy. My mama says sandpipers come to bring us joy."

The bird went gliding down the beach. Good-bye joy, I muttered to myself, hello pain, and turned to walk on I was depressed, my life seemed completely out of balance.

"What's your name?" She wouldn't give up.

"Robert," I answered. "I'm Robert Peterson."
"Mine's Wendy... I'm six."

"Hi, Wendy." She giggled. "You're funny," she said.

In spite of my gloom, I laughed too and walked on. Her musical giggle followed me.

"Come again, Mr. P," she called. "We'll have another happy day."

The next few days consisted of a group of unruly Boy Scouts, PTA meetings, and an ailing mother. The sun was shining one morning as I took my hands out of the dishwater. I need a sandpiper, I said to myself,gathering up my coat.

The ever-changing balm of the seashore awaited me. The breeze was chilly but I strode along, trying to recapture the serenity I needed.

"Hello, Mr. P," she said. "Do you want to play?"

"What did you have in mind?" I asked, with a twinge of annoyance.

"I don't know. You say."

"How about charades?" I asked sarcastically.

The tinkling laughter burst forth again. "I don't know what that is."

"Then let's just walk."

Looking at her, I noticed the delicate fairness of her face. "Where do you live?" I asked.

"Over there." She pointed toward a row of summer cottages.

Strange, I thought, in winter.

"Where do you go to school?"

"I don't go to school. Mommy says we're on vacation"

She chattered little girl talk as we strolled up the beach, but my mind was on other things. When I left for home, Wendy said it had been a happy day. Feeling surprisingly better, I smiled at her and agreed.

Three weeks later, I rushed to my beach in a state of near panic. I was in no mood to even greet Wendy. I thought I saw her mother on the porch and felt like demanding she keep her child at home.

"Look, if you don't mind," I said crossly when Wendy caught up with me, "I'd rather be alone today." She seemed unusually pale and out of breath.

"Why?" she asked.

I turned to her and shouted, "Because my mother died!" and thought, My God, why was I saying this to a little child?

"Oh," she said quietly, "then this is a bad day."

"Yes," I said, "and yesterday and the day before and -- oh, go away!"

"Did it hurt?" she inquired.

"Did what hurt?" I was exasperated with her, with myself.

"When she died?"

"Of course it hurt!" I snapped, misunderstanding, wrapped up in myself. I strode off.

A month or so after that, when I next went to the beach, she wasn't there.
Feeling guilty, ashamed, and admitting to myself I missed her, I went up to the cottage after my walk and knocked at the door. A drawn looking young woman with honey-colored hair opened the door.

"Hello," I said, "I'm Robert Peterson. I missed your little girl today and wondered where she was."

"Oh yes, Mr. Peterson, please come in. Wendy spoke of you so much. I'm afraid I allowed her to bother you. If she was a nuisance, please, accept my apologies."

"Not at all --! she's a delightful child." I said, suddenly realizing that I meant what I had just said.

"Wendy died last week, Mr. Peterson. She had leukemia. Maybe she didn't tell you."

Struck dumb, I groped for a chair. I had to catch my breath.

"She loved this beach, so when she asked to come, we couldn't say no. She seemed so much better here and had a lot of what she called happy days. But the last few weeks, she declined rapidly..." Her voice faltered, "She left something for you, if only I can find it. Could you wait a moment while I look?"

I nodded stupidly, my mind racing for something to say to this lovely young woman. She handed me a smeared envelope with "MR. P" printed in bold childish letters. Inside was a drawing in bright crayon hues -- a yellow beach, a blue sea, and a brown bird. Underneath was carefully printed:


Tears welled up in my eyes, and a heart that had almost forgotten to love opened wide. I took Wendy's mother in my arms. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," I uttered over and over, and we wept together. The precious little picture is framed now and hangs in my study. Six words -- one for each year of her life -- that speak to me of harmony, courage, and undemanding love.

A gift from a child with sea blue eyes and hair the color of sand -- who taught me the gift of love.

NOTE: This is a true story sent out by Robert Peterson. It happened over 20 years ago and the incident changed his life forever. It serves as a reminder to all of us that we need to take time to enjoy living and life and each other.
The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less.

Life is so complicated, the hustle and bustle of everyday traumas can make us lose focus about what is truly important or what is only a momentary setback or crisis.

This week, be sure to give your loved ones an extra hug, and by all means,
take a moment... even if it is only ten seconds, to stop and smell the roses.

This comes from someone's heart, and is read by many and now I share it with you..

May God Bless everyone who receives this! There are NO coincidences!

Everything that happens to us happens for a reason. Never brush aside anyone as insignificant. Who knows what they can teach us?
I wish for you a sandpiper...

September 26, 2008

Happy 18th Birthday - Brittany

Today marks the transition of my youngest daughter Brittany from child to adult.

It is also a very special day, as she graduates high school. It is a day of reflection and celebration that her final day of education at school coincides with the turning of age.

Good luck Britt with your HSC and may all your dreams and goals come true.

Thank you for being the amazing person you are - now make all your dreams big and I hope you findurwings - Love Mum.

September 19, 2008


On 23rd August I was given the privilege of receiving Reiki/Seichem level 1 "energy attunements by Reiki Master Jana Rajnoch. Then on 17th September was initiated into Level 2.

You might well be asking what is Reiki/Seichem or have heard of it, but unsure as to what it does? Well I will try to explain and supply you with some understanding of these ancient arts of channelling of life force energy.

Reiki originated in Tibet and was rediscovered in the nineteenth century by Dr. Mikao Usui, or Usui Sensei as he is called by his students in Japan, is the founder of the Usui System of Reiki. He was born August 15, 1865 in the village of Yago in the Yamagata district of Gifu prefecture, Japan. Usui Sensei had an avid interest in learning and worked hard at his studies. He traveled to Europe and China to further his education. His curriculum included medicine, psychology, and religion. It is thought that he was from a wealthy family, as in Japan only the wealthy could afford to send their children to school. Eventually he became the secretary to Pei Gotoushin, head of the department of health and welfare who later became the Mayor of Tokyo. The connections Usui Sensei made at this job helped him to become a successful businessman.

In 1914 Usui's personal and business life was failing. As a sensitive spiritualist, Usui Sensei had previously spent much time meditating at power spots on Mt. Kurama. So he decided to travel to this holy mountain, where he enrolled in Isyu Guo, a twenty-one-day training course. We do not know for certain what he was required to do during this training, but it is likely that fasting, meditation, chanting and prayers were part of the practice. In addition, we know there is a small waterfall on Mt. Kurama where even today people go to meditate. This meditation involves standing under the waterfall and allowing the waters to strike and flow over the top of the head, a practice which is said to activate the crown chakra. Japanese Reiki Masters think that Usui Sensei may have used this meditation as part of his practice. In any case, it was during the Isyu Guo training that the great Reiki energy entered his crown chakra. This greatly enhanced his healing abilities and he realized he had received a wonderful new gift - the ability to give healing to others without depleting his own energy!

REI pronounced "ray"= Cosmic, or Universal Energy: and

KI pronounced "Key" = Life Force, Light or Chi (as in Tai Chi)

Reiki "ray-key" is a natural healing method allowing life force energy to be absorbed into the body to promote self healing. Universal Spirit of Life, or Universal Life Energy is the energy of life that we received at birth and flows through us. Stresses and tensions of daily living, together with our thought patterns, combine to create blocks and imbalances to the flow of energy. These blocks are reflected in the body and manifest as physical, emotional or mental problems or disease. Reiki can assist in relieving pain, bring clarity and focus of the mind, enable greater insight into problems or questions that are being experienced and frees the client to move on in their life.

Important to note that Reiki does not heal - it empowers the client to take the next step in their growth and development, their highest soul purpose. This is usually to redress energy imbalances and activate natural repair mechanisms, So the client HEALS THEMSELVES.

Practitioners are channels of Life Energy and cannot influence where it goes or to what purpose it is used (the giving of Reiki MUST BE unconditional). The practitioner can tap into the energy supply, trusting that it will go to where healing must take place for the benefit of the client.

The energy used for healing ourselves and for channelling to others so that they can heal themselves is the energy of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE which is the highest energy available to us.


Reiki/Seichem involves bringing all the dimensions of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual into balance and harmony. The energy is a vibrational or light energy which brings you closer to a feeling of oneness and connections with the universe and allows you to more self loving.

Benefits include:

Relaxes and reduces stress

Promotes creativity

Strengthens life force energy

Strengthens intuition

Treats symptoms and causes of illness

Heals holistically

Strengthens the immune system

Relieves pain and clears toxins

Balances the organs and glands

Releases blocks and suppressed feelings

Promotes natural self healing

Adapts to the needs of the receiver

Balancing the energy in the body

Enhances personal awareness

Helps meditative states

Re-establishes spiritual equilibrium

Promotes clarity of mind

REIKI ......It Belongs to All Who Seek

Being a Universal force from the Great Spirit, Reiki belongs to all whom seek and desire to learn the Art of Healing. It knows no colour, creed, old or young. It will find its way when a student is ready to accept. He/she is shown the way. Initiation is a sacred ceremony where the contact with the Universal Energy is made. We are associating with the Divine Spirit there is no error nor should we doubt. It is ABSOLUTE.

REIKI......A Gift from God

A gift of Reiki is the feeling of being reconnected to your source of 'coming home'. It gives you a sense of wholeness, where it is easy to love yourself, and in so doing, discover how loving the world can become. Reiki helps meet the needs of the individual and society to be in balance and harmony.


Seichem (saysheem) comes from the Egyptian word Sekhem (saykime) which translated into English means "the Power of Powers." Seichem is the four-fold combination of Reiki.

The Earth, Water, Fire and Air elements. It is widely believed that the origins of Seichem are the same as Reiki, rediscovered in the Sanskrit texts and scriptures by Dr Usui. It was rediscovered in the early 1980's by an American Reiki Master/Teacher Patrick Zeigler.

Seichem originally came from Egypt. It was translated and transcribed from hieroglyphs by the Shin Yon Buddhists of that time and taken back to Japan and India.

If you would like to gain attunement in Reike/Seichem or have a treatment done in a variety healings contact Jana on or 0416 197 112.

I hope this information is of interest and gives some insight into this amazing ancient art. I hope that it may inspire you to investigate further - whichever way you choose. I hope this helps in findingurwings ....... Roz

LEMON BATH - great for releaving stress or just a great detox

Feeling a little stressed? or just need that little pick me up for your body. Why not have a lemon bath.
With our lives very busy and so much in our day, our body would just say "thank you" for a little time out for rejuvenating and nurture you.
Put on some nice relaxing music, light a few candles, turn off the phone - and JUST RELAX.
1. Cut 4 to 5 lemons into quarters and squeeze juice into bath and then throw the remainder in.
2. Drink a glass of water before soaking in bath and keep a glass near by to drink while in bath if feel need to.
3. Soak in for maxium 20 minutes, but if unable stay that long - only soak as long as you feel comfortable.
(You will feel as stinging after a time - this is normal).
4. Rinse off in shower in warm water and NO soap.
5. Drink water or herbal teas to cleanse.
You can have this once a month for a great detox for your skin or if feeling a little overwhelmed it will really help. ENJOY AND RELAX FINDINGURWINGS - Roz

September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to my Dad - Les Kelly

Happy Birthday - have a wonderful day and I hope all your dreams come true.

My dad is very special to me and I love him very much. I am one of three children to Dorothy and Les Kelly. My parents grew up in country NSW and had many siblings. They both had hard times growing up in different circumstances, but enjoyed their youth and share many interesting stories.
My parents worked very hard and took pride in their family. With that I would like to say "Thank you for all that you did and do for your family''. Though we will not be with you on the day, you will be in our minds and in our hearts.

We love you - have a fun day with lots of laughs findingurwings - Roz.

Butterfly friend

Following the theme for this week on butterflies, I received an email from Robyn Simpson her website "It's all about attitude" - is her moto, she sends inspiring statements each week. She can give you the tools to shift your thoughts from old beliefs to help you get clarity and awareness to move your life in a positive way.

Check it out it could be for you!!

Have a wonderful week findingurwings - Roz.

The psychic World Workshop - with Ezio De Angelis (from The One).


Do you have psychic abilities? Would you like to better understand how to develop them?

Whether you wish to become a working psychic or simply desire to expand your knowledge of the fascinating field, this is an ideal introduction. Join Ezio and Michelle De Angelis for a practical, fun and informative workshop covering protection, meditation, working with energy, spirit guides and more! Saturday 13th September 2008. Revesby Workers Club - Acacia Room 10:30am - 4:00pm Only $60! To take advantage of this special low cost workshop, please call Michelle on 0419 236 220 during business hours to enrol.

I am looking forward to this very interesting day to gain further insight if you are interested it is only a couple of days away and hope to see you findingurwings - Ros

September 10, 2008

The Magical and Amazing Monach Butterfly

Since my 46th birthday back in July this year, I have been attracted to butterflies more than ever before. I see them everywhere, on my walks as they would fly to the beautiful plants, jewellery, words in books, the angel cards I was given advice from even had butterflies on the back and in the pictures. They were all around me.

I have come to associate the butterfly with New Beginnings and to me that has what my life has been like over the past few weeks.

I have been initiated into Reiki Level 1 and have been privileged to carry out charka balances on friends and family. They have found it very relaxing and calming. Attended a psychic seminar learning all sorts of new things from Drumming, feng shui and increasing my own abilities. I was blessed with my girlfriend Kerrie to have a connection with family members that have crossed over, it was so fulfilling. I have been enjoying meditation classes for some weeks now and have meet some lovely people, especially Saba and Cynthia. Last night Cynthia gave me this lovely quote that had came to her from her guide ANARA and it was perfect as I had been inspired to discuss Butterflies before our meeting.

Do not be afraid of life's mysteries. The world is our cocoon, and we must all emerge as butterflies. ANARA

As I was looking for a picture - the Monarch was the one that caught my memory of a beautiful book that I read back last year on my way to the UK. "Secrets of the Monarch - What the Dead can teach us about living a better life" by Allison DuBois, it is a lovely and inspiring story and I had the opportunity to meet with Alison later in that year at a book signing. She is a very kind soul.

The questions that are asked are "How long does a monarch live?" "Why do monarchs migrate south?"

Most monarch's live for 2 to 6 weeks as an adult, but it is the migration that is the most interesting to its yearly life cycle. One butterfly's life cycle is about 6-8 weeks.... egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly. 4 days inside the egg. It then muches milkweed and grows as a monarch caterpillar for approx 2 weeks. The caterpillar's life inside the chrysalis lasts about 10 days and its wonderful life as an adult butterfly lasts 2 - 6 weeks.

Feb/Mar - hibernating monarchs in Mexico and southern California reawaken, become active, find a mate, begin the flight northward and lay their eggs. Finally they die. These special monarchs have lived about 4-5 months through the long winter.

March/April - the 1st generation are born 2-6 weeks die
May/June - the 2nd generation are born 2-6 weeks die
July/August - the 3rd generation is born 2-6 weeks die
Sept/Oct - the 4th generation is born .... but this generation does not die. It migrates south and lives 6-8 months in Mexico or Southern California. They begin awakening and mating in Feb/Mar of the next spring, and then lay their eggs! Withered and tattered from their migration and hibernation ... they finally die.

It is quiet an amazing process and how amazing is that.
I hope you enjoy finding out a little about the Monarch butterfly and that this may inspire you to findingurwings - roz