September 19, 2008


On 23rd August I was given the privilege of receiving Reiki/Seichem level 1 "energy attunements by Reiki Master Jana Rajnoch. Then on 17th September was initiated into Level 2.

You might well be asking what is Reiki/Seichem or have heard of it, but unsure as to what it does? Well I will try to explain and supply you with some understanding of these ancient arts of channelling of life force energy.

Reiki originated in Tibet and was rediscovered in the nineteenth century by Dr. Mikao Usui, or Usui Sensei as he is called by his students in Japan, is the founder of the Usui System of Reiki. He was born August 15, 1865 in the village of Yago in the Yamagata district of Gifu prefecture, Japan. Usui Sensei had an avid interest in learning and worked hard at his studies. He traveled to Europe and China to further his education. His curriculum included medicine, psychology, and religion. It is thought that he was from a wealthy family, as in Japan only the wealthy could afford to send their children to school. Eventually he became the secretary to Pei Gotoushin, head of the department of health and welfare who later became the Mayor of Tokyo. The connections Usui Sensei made at this job helped him to become a successful businessman.

In 1914 Usui's personal and business life was failing. As a sensitive spiritualist, Usui Sensei had previously spent much time meditating at power spots on Mt. Kurama. So he decided to travel to this holy mountain, where he enrolled in Isyu Guo, a twenty-one-day training course. We do not know for certain what he was required to do during this training, but it is likely that fasting, meditation, chanting and prayers were part of the practice. In addition, we know there is a small waterfall on Mt. Kurama where even today people go to meditate. This meditation involves standing under the waterfall and allowing the waters to strike and flow over the top of the head, a practice which is said to activate the crown chakra. Japanese Reiki Masters think that Usui Sensei may have used this meditation as part of his practice. In any case, it was during the Isyu Guo training that the great Reiki energy entered his crown chakra. This greatly enhanced his healing abilities and he realized he had received a wonderful new gift - the ability to give healing to others without depleting his own energy!

REI pronounced "ray"= Cosmic, or Universal Energy: and

KI pronounced "Key" = Life Force, Light or Chi (as in Tai Chi)

Reiki "ray-key" is a natural healing method allowing life force energy to be absorbed into the body to promote self healing. Universal Spirit of Life, or Universal Life Energy is the energy of life that we received at birth and flows through us. Stresses and tensions of daily living, together with our thought patterns, combine to create blocks and imbalances to the flow of energy. These blocks are reflected in the body and manifest as physical, emotional or mental problems or disease. Reiki can assist in relieving pain, bring clarity and focus of the mind, enable greater insight into problems or questions that are being experienced and frees the client to move on in their life.

Important to note that Reiki does not heal - it empowers the client to take the next step in their growth and development, their highest soul purpose. This is usually to redress energy imbalances and activate natural repair mechanisms, So the client HEALS THEMSELVES.

Practitioners are channels of Life Energy and cannot influence where it goes or to what purpose it is used (the giving of Reiki MUST BE unconditional). The practitioner can tap into the energy supply, trusting that it will go to where healing must take place for the benefit of the client.

The energy used for healing ourselves and for channelling to others so that they can heal themselves is the energy of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE which is the highest energy available to us.


Reiki/Seichem involves bringing all the dimensions of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual into balance and harmony. The energy is a vibrational or light energy which brings you closer to a feeling of oneness and connections with the universe and allows you to more self loving.

Benefits include:

Relaxes and reduces stress

Promotes creativity

Strengthens life force energy

Strengthens intuition

Treats symptoms and causes of illness

Heals holistically

Strengthens the immune system

Relieves pain and clears toxins

Balances the organs and glands

Releases blocks and suppressed feelings

Promotes natural self healing

Adapts to the needs of the receiver

Balancing the energy in the body

Enhances personal awareness

Helps meditative states

Re-establishes spiritual equilibrium

Promotes clarity of mind

REIKI ......It Belongs to All Who Seek

Being a Universal force from the Great Spirit, Reiki belongs to all whom seek and desire to learn the Art of Healing. It knows no colour, creed, old or young. It will find its way when a student is ready to accept. He/she is shown the way. Initiation is a sacred ceremony where the contact with the Universal Energy is made. We are associating with the Divine Spirit there is no error nor should we doubt. It is ABSOLUTE.

REIKI......A Gift from God

A gift of Reiki is the feeling of being reconnected to your source of 'coming home'. It gives you a sense of wholeness, where it is easy to love yourself, and in so doing, discover how loving the world can become. Reiki helps meet the needs of the individual and society to be in balance and harmony.


Seichem (saysheem) comes from the Egyptian word Sekhem (saykime) which translated into English means "the Power of Powers." Seichem is the four-fold combination of Reiki.

The Earth, Water, Fire and Air elements. It is widely believed that the origins of Seichem are the same as Reiki, rediscovered in the Sanskrit texts and scriptures by Dr Usui. It was rediscovered in the early 1980's by an American Reiki Master/Teacher Patrick Zeigler.

Seichem originally came from Egypt. It was translated and transcribed from hieroglyphs by the Shin Yon Buddhists of that time and taken back to Japan and India.

If you would like to gain attunement in Reike/Seichem or have a treatment done in a variety healings contact Jana on or 0416 197 112.

I hope this information is of interest and gives some insight into this amazing ancient art. I hope that it may inspire you to investigate further - whichever way you choose. I hope this helps in findingurwings ....... Roz

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