I read an article by Cosmic girl in the Sunday paper today - It is a new moon tomorrow at 6.12 pm AEST - the ideal time to make a wish (or two, three, etc). Why, The dark phase of the new Moon (which comes just before the new Moon) is considered a very fertile time: what we plant then is said to grow extra well. So go out under the dark of the Moon tonight and make a wish.
Wait until after sunset. Light a candle and ask your angels to help you make the right wishes and to hear your call. Angels love gratitude, so use this moment to say "Thank you" for all the good things that have happened to you in the past month. Go out into the garden, in a park or somewhere that you feel connected to with nature. Then either read your wishes out loud, or to yourself whatever you feel is right for you. Do it as slowly as you can, feeling the emotion tied to each one of your wishes. At the end say "For the good of all or not at all", so that you don't go giving yourself any bad karma with an offbeat wish.
And then? Go inside, have a coffee, tea and leave your angels to help work out the "how to" of making your wishes come true. With your list if you have written it down on paper put the paper in a special place and read back over the next month or you can burn your wish list over a white candle, releasing it to the angels and universe. Whatever you feel is right that is what you should do! Always remember to thank your Angels, Guides or Universe, Higher Self or De vine spirit ... whatever works for you.
Have a great week findingurwings... Roz
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