December 24, 2010
December 3, 2010
Give yourself the best present this xmas - take time out for you.

Today, as a volunteer at the local nursing home, I had a conversation with a wife of one of the residences. Her husband has been there for 2 years. Every day she comes to spend the day with him, keep him company, feed and tend to his needs. He has Alzheimer’s and she has cared for him for 8 years. As we chattered I asked her “do you take time out for yourself”? Her response was “No, I feel my place is with him here and it breaks my heart if I am not. It is what I feel I must do, come here for my husband”. The sadness in her eyes as she opened up to me expressing emotion (nearly to tears, but she was unable to give to herself because of guilt). She misses out on family time, not even going to celebrate her granddaughters 18th birthday thinking she would not be able to cope that her grandparents are not together. She doesn’t see friends, go to the movies, etc. After listening I asked her to think about giving herself a small amount of time and then I asked if I could give her a hug. At first she was unsure even to do this, but then she did and it was nice. It is so important to give to yourself first with what makes us happy. To give only to others will drain you until there is nothing left to give. Remember: Cup half full not Cup half empty.
Here are some ideas to help with stress of the silly season.
1. Go for a walk
2. Take a relaxing bath. Light some candles and play some music.
3. If you are having celebrations at home ask others to bring a plate.
4. Accept only the invites you wish to go to.
5. Put on some uplifting music and dance, it raises your vibration.
Goal setting
Take the time to write down what you would like to happen in 2011.
With 2011 getting closer it is a great opportunity to set your vision, goals, wishes for what you would like to achieve over the next year.
Maybe you would like a new home, car, or holiday? Find that perfect partner? Change careers, find a new job, and get a pay rise. Find inner contentment? Whatever it is, start it now.
This year after my breast cancer I created a book called “Dreams can come true” – I pasted pictures that related to what I had been through and things, places, dreams I would like to have. My biggest wish was the trip to Hawaii. I have since booked this for next April - it is going to be wonderful.
Workshop 20th March 2011 – Sydney

Would you like to create the life you have dreamed of but not sure what you need to do to begin? Well this workshop could be what you require to put that action to create the life you imagine.
Due to my personal journey - with medical treatments, attending workshops, travel and my own healing. I am not taking bookings or appointments until 2011.
I will keep you posted on my return to my healing work.

Have a very happy and joyful Christmas.

October 9, 2010
Meeting John…….

Since my 3rd Chemotherapy treatment on 30th September, I have had a feeling of being just a number on an endless medical merry-go-round. Everyone is doing their job, but to me there is one missing ingredient, the spirit. Yes there are nice people to greet us and there are some that are not so nice who wish to cast their opinion/blame/give a little judgment. But what I miss most of all is that few minutes of your time or self. It cost nothing, but gives so much.
This week I have told 2 people this story ….I call him John…….
It was Friday lunch time at a little French café in Darlinghurst. In between a couple of medical appointments Mum and I had decided to get a bite to eat. This was a rare opportunity to have some time together. We chose a table outside on the walkway where we could enjoy the spring weather. We had a very nice waiter; he was French, from Paris. We chatted about my recent trip to the South of France back in May and he then he took our order. Another gentleman, very tall, thin, smartly dressed sat at the table of 4 next to us. He had water to drink and proceeded to smoke a cigarette. Mum and I do not smoke, but it was far enough away not to cause us a problem. After a short time a second gentleman walked up and started to talk to the man, then joined him at his table. Conversation got heated between the two and then the first gentleman got up and went inside the café. On returning he had a waitress, who in the pleasantest way she could, said that he could not sit at this table as it was taken, but to move to another table on the other side of me. Words ensued by both parties and eventually with the gift of water and ice he reluctantly moved tables.
As he sat next to me I noticed that he had an ear piece fitted. With the way he spoke it was apparent that he had a hearing issue and that was why his speech was not easy to understand.
Our meals arrived and I enjoyed the mushroom soup. I did comment to Mum “her soup was much better”. The man that had been moved had his water to drink, but continued making angry gestures, mumbled conversation towards the first man. Here I was, caught in the middle of a war, an opportunity for time with Mum and this was happening. I had a choice – ignore what was going on around us or do something about it. So I turned to the second man, look him in the eyes and said “Be Nice”. I think he was taken aback by this, he looked at me and I repeated “be nice” and to my surprise, he did. I explained that I was here with my mum and we are enjoying a nice meal and time together. He stopped the issue with the other man and even put out the cigarette that I requested him to extinguish while I was eating. I listened to him for a few minutes and then I continued my meal.
Throughout the time he only had water and ice. He patted me on the arm and we had a brief conversation. I learnt that he was deaf and he had a hearing piece. He didn’t learn sign language but learnt to speak although most people didn’t understand him as you had to give him your full attention.
He also told me that it was his birthday. He never asked for money, a meal and/or made us feel uncomfortable. He did ask for one thing, if he could have a hug/kiss. On telling him I was leaving I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, wish him happy birthday.
While paying the bill I spoke to the waitresses and the one that had moved him said “you gave him a lot of time – he is drunk isn’t he”, I was stunned at this statement. The judgment had been made and the condemnation of this man made before even a word had been exchanged by them. I informed her that he was deaf and that is why his speech was not great. He was asking for ice not wine as she had thought. I asked if something could be organized for him a small meal or coffee which I was happy to pay for and they said they would sort out something, no problem.
When I returned to mum outside he had left. Mum said he had walked down the street, turning to see her, blowing kisses with a skip in his step. The people sitting at the table behind us had said to mum that we had given time to that man and she told them it was his birthday. They said to her “you gave him the best present”.
We did not only give that day, we received because of the joy that comes to my heart when I think of that experience. I hope that in some small way, someone will not be so quick to judge and that others will embrace someone else. Our time cost us nothing….and the message is to be grateful for the simplest of lives pleasures.
Thank you John….
October 1, 2010

While survival rates have increased with recent breakthroughs, one in nine women still face a diagnosis by the age of 85 and will need our help and support.
With your help, we can make Pink Ribbon Day a success and fund more research, support and prevention programs.
Order pink to sell: order a pre-packed merchandise box to sell to friends, family or colleagues.
Buy Pink Ribbon Day merchandise: think pink on Monday 25th October, or throughout the month of October and purchase an item from our Pink Ribbon Day.
Volunteer: donate your time and help Cancer Council run Pink Ribbon Day
Donate now: It’s quick, simple and easy to donate to breast cancer. Donate online today and support breast cancer.
Hold a Pink fundraiser: organise your own pink fundraiser and raise funds for breast cancer.
Check out our fundraising ideas.have worked well in the past, include:
• Hold a pink morning or afternoon tea
• Host a movie premiere screening
• Hold a pink raffle with gorgeous pink prizes
• Have a “wear pink” day at work
• Ask people to sponsor you to dye your hair pink
There are no limits to the ways you can fundraise for Pink Ribbon Day, go on, be creative.
Thank you for your support..
Women’s Wellness Conference
Organiser: Robyn Ridley
Date: Saturday, 23rd October 2010
Location: Convention Centre, Charles Sturt University, WAGGA WAGGA
Investment: Day $80 or Day & Conference Dinner $110.
Motivational speaker from Sydney - Jane Gillespie.
For more information
How about booking a treatment with me
Access - Bars treatment
Do you worry, are you anxious, get stressed easily?
Do you fear the worst during times of change?
Would you like to make choices with clarity of mind and a feeling of peace?
Science tells us our thoughts influence our molecules and create dis-ease, disorder and aging.
Would you like to be more present in your living, feel peace and calm during your day?
The Bars are 32 points on the head where thoughts, feelings, emotions and considerations lock into the body and impact your health and well-being. These points relate to specific areas such as money, control, awareness, creativity, hopes & dreams, body and sexuality, and aging to name a few. The facilitator gently touches and holds these points on your head and the energy is released at each place. Best it can change your life or worst feel like you have had a relaxing massage.
What can I expect from a BARS session?
• Allows more energy to be available to you.
• Creates a lasting feeling of peace and well-being.
• Improves Insomnia.
• Quietens the distracting chatter in your head.
• Releases tension in the mind and body.
• Releases blocks that are built up by anger frustration etc.
• Improves relationships on all levels by creating allowance of self and others.
• Shifts the places where limitation is being created and opens you up to receiving more possibility in all areas of your life.
• Chakra balances for renewed energy
• Crystal healings
Ros Clarkson
Phone: 0415403530
Limited appointments at the moment please phone or email me to secure a treatment.
With every healing treatment a complimentary Angel Card reading. Please ask about a free 20 mins Bar treatment.

September 28, 2010
HAVE YOU GIVEN HUGS TODAY? It’s a healing tonic for the body

Over the past couple of weeks, my funky short hair style and brightly-coloured array of head scarves (due to the chemotherapy treatment) makes it obvious to people I meet (friends, family, neighbours and strangers) that I am going through some health issues.
Quite a few people find it difficult to discuss the journey or know what to say, or do.
It is a natural part of our thinking to either say nothing or think we need to give a profound message that all will be OK. Other times people just pretend they don’t see you. Recently, I have even gone into the thought that people are thinking "I am a cancer victim"…..
Let me express to you now, as Wayne Dyer so wonderfully stated, “I am arriving, not surviving”. For myself, being able to express how I am with my emotions and talk about this journey openly is one of the biggest challenges.
I have come to this conclusion – “I ask for a hug”.
Reaching out to another person is a very valuable thing. Recognise that while you cannot remove their pain, a hug can ground and validate both parties involved, even if only for a moment. The physical contact serves as both a reality check and a sign that somebody cares. Hugs also give the body, mind and spirit a lift with the hormone oxytocin in our blood. This hormone triggers a “caring” or "bonding" response in both men and women.
So are you giving hugs? A 20 second embrace is very healing. I ask you to consider this the next time you see someone who needs a little more love. It also benefits you!!
Research shows the positive effects of hugs:-
• Lowers blood pressure.
• Reduces stress
• Reduces the risk of heart disease.
• makes you feel loved and special
• Improve overall mood
• Positive physical touch has an immediate anti-stress effect, slowing breathing and heart.
Virginia Satir, “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” According to her criteria, many of us don’t get the hugs we need to survive. But I tend to agree with her philosophy. Because once we make hugging a habit, we do more than survive. We grow.
August 25, 2010

Entitled/Entitlement: to give (a person or thing) a title, right, or claim to something.
This was one if not the biggest lesson I have understood to date. I attended a lecture by Caroline Myss at Darling Harbour, on the weekend. She asked the question: what are we entitled to? ……after many different people saying health, happiness, respect etc, there was a pause. The answer is NOTHING. We are entitled to NOTHING in this life.
The EGO has an attachment to the belief that it is entitled to “this or that” because it is always looking “what is in it for me”. Society or belief patterns tell us that if we have done things for someone then we are entitled to have it returned for us. Excuses – “I have worked hard, done the right thing (as society expects of us), raised my children, and been a good wife/husband” - then we deserve. Yes, we can have that, but we are not entitled to it. How many times I have heard someone say “if you give respect then you will be respected”? By whom? Why? This is an illusion. Why must others give back what you give out? It is your choice what you do for others and if you come from your heart/spirit than you will have the gift that you did something beautiful just because you choose to and the other person will also have a lovely feeling. Others around you will also be influenced by the gift. This is the energy of this world. We are all connected by this frequency. Everything you think and do send a vibration and it impacts all of us. If you work from the ego and have a scorecard running you will be disappointed.
I had an email sent to me the other day which was wonderful validation that this concept is truth. It was a woman being asked if her husband made her happy. She answers to the surprise of her husband and questioners ‘NO, he doesn’t make me HAPPY” she says ‘I AM HAPPY”. Happiness is because you choose to be…..not because you expect someone to give it to you.
My example for the ego was a story yesterday that a man who survived skin cancer was suing for million dollars from the company that supplied a sun bed and that no one had warned him of the dangers. This intrigued me where was the gratitude that he had survived this? What part did he play and what ownership did he accept? And then it screamed EGO – WHAT WAS IN IT FOR ME?
Every day I make a conscience decision to come from heart/spirit – “ask what I can do to make this day a wonderful day?” Today, I held a door open for a gentleman who was delivering packages. It may only take a smile or say good morning to a stranger, give a person some of your time and attention. A lot of small things add up to a wonderful vibration.
The other day I gave a lift to 2 people who live in my street. I had never spoken to them before, but knew they went to the same university as my daughter, they were grateful for the gesture. Give it try it costs you nothing in monetary value but I guarantee your heart will sing.
I hope you are findingurwings…..Ros
August 24, 2010

How the Universe and I conquered my left breast abnormality in 2010/11 and I am grateful, joyful and very lucky to have wonderful health, family, friends and a very prosperous way of living. Thank you.
After 2 weeks of having slight pain in my left breast I decided to see my doctor Richard Janus on 7th May, he did feel something and to be safe we scheduled a check at the Breast Clinic in Sydney on 10th May. After many tests and procedures Dr Sue Fraser advised David (husband) and I that there was an abnormality (growth) under the nipple and that she recommended surgery (mastectomy) on return of our overseas holiday to Italy, France and UK which had been planned. More tests, scans, appointments we to be attended and I meet my surgeon Dr Warren Hargreaves during that week. We left on 19th May for our trip and a date to have surgery penciled in on my return. This also gave me a month to work with my holistic work to enjoy our trip, connect to my body and see if I was able to change this abnormality – as I believed it was mine and needed to release this from me. On my return I attended a scan on 25th June to make sure I required surgery. Unfortunately, the abnormality had grown and I had a mastectomy of the left breast and 17 lymph nodes removed on Friday 2nd July. It was successful and I felt well. As days progressed I felt strong and focused on my continuing health and wellbeing. During this time my daughter Avril was also involved in a bad car accident and was hospitalized during the same time with broken left leg, pelvis, ribs and bladder. It was a very busy week and we handled it very well under the circumstances.

August 14, 2010

I have started the climb to the crest of the mountain, a way to go, but they say "The view from the top is amazing". I am carrying two glasses and a bottle of champagne - a celebration awaits me. You are all welcome to share in my success and health.

August 12, 2010

July 9, 2010
May 2, 2010
April 26, 2010
Point of Creation & Point of Distruction.

I was introduced to the term POC & POD when I learnt Access - Bars in February.
Being grateful creates a space and a sense of richness and energy so that every day becomes a celebration. When you focus on gratitude and appreciation, then you become aware of how all of life comes to us easily and joyfully. Whatever you focus on expands. When you focus on gratitude, what are you focusing on? You are putting your attention on what’s right in your life. Make a practice of focusing on what you have, rather than on what you are missing.

April 19, 2010

Quotes by Maya Angelou
A mystical plain.
Close your eyes,
And we are with you again.
Channeled from Anabel (angel)
April 11, 2010
Living without Regret

STORY by Unknown author.
A friend of mine opened his wife's underwear drawer and picked up a silk paper wrapped package:
'This, - he said - isn't any ordinary package. 'He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box. 'She got this the first time we went to New York , 8 or 9 years ago. She has never put it on , was saving it for a special occasion. Well, I guess this is it. He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothing he was taking to the funeral house, his wife had just died. He turned to me and said: "Never save something for a special occasion. Every day in your life is a special occasion'.
I still think those words changed my life.Now I read more and clean less.I sit on the porch without worrying about anything.I spend more time with my family, and less at work.I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through. I no longer keep anything. I use crystal glasses every day... I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket, if I feel like it.I don't save my special perfume for special occasions, I use it whenever I want to.
The words 'Someday...' and ' One Day...' are fading away from my dictionary. ;If it's worth seeing, listening or doing, I want to see, listen or do it now... I don't know what my friend's wife would have done if she knew she wouldn't be there the next morning, this nobody can tell. I think she might have called her relatives and closest friends.She might call old friends to make peace over past quarrels. I'd like to think she would go ou t for Chinese, her favorite food. It's these small things that I would regret not doing, if I knew my time had come..Each day, each hour, each minute, is special. Live for today, for tomorrow is promised to no-one.If you got this, it's because someone cares for you and because, probably, there's someone you care about.
If you're too busy to send this out to other people and you say to yourself that you will send it 'One of these days’, remember that 'One day' is far away... or might never come...No matter if you're superstitious or not, spend some time reading it.It holds useful messages for the soul.

I hope you are findingurwings............ Ros
April 6, 2010
"YOU HAVE THE POWER WITHIN" one day workshop in Kensington
Saturday, 1st May, 2010
44 Brompton Road, Kensington
10.00 - 4.00pm
Presented by - Ros Clarkson –
It is my belief that we attract everything, person/situation/event into our awareness, consciously or unconsciously. Your awareness has been drawn to this workshop to open you to new ways of thinking. You can create a different reality (if you choose) and get more of what you want and DESERVE.
· It is your thoughts, feelings and actions that create your reality – and how to change these
· Through a guided meditation to energetically cut ties to people that are vibrationally incompatible with you now.
· Grounding techniques to keep you stay calm and focused.
· To create a vision for your future.
· A new understanding on how changing your thinking will allow different results in your life
If this interests you than this workshop is for you.
Our current results don’t reflect who we ARE, they reflect who we WERE. You have the power to change your future by changing your thoughts and feelings NOW.
Cost $ 100.00 - Afternoon tea provided
$50 deposit required by the 17th April. 2010
April 4, 2010
A day at the Golden Slipper

I had not been to a Golden Slipper, it has been on my to do list and when the opportunity came it was a lovely surprise. We met some very nice people, food was good and some winning horses. I had a little flutter on “Crystal Lily”, a whisper in my inner ear was purple winning colour. So I checked out the horse which I liked, because of crystals, only to find that it had purple and green which are my new business cards colours. So I placed the each way bet and won $38.

Thank you to the universe for a wonderful day and I am very grateful.
March 31, 2010
Do you ask for what you want?

The one thing that is true is that this is a free will universe. “Ask and you shall receive” is one of the truths in the Bible. If you Ask, you shall receive. So if it is clarity you desire; ask. Whatever it is, if you ask for it, you receive it. Most of us go through our lives without asking for what we truly desire, and wondering why it doesn’t show up, but we are very good at complaining when we do not get what we want. So tell me what do you want?
As a society we have lost the ability to receive well and this has been showing up as a lesson many times over this past few weeks. We have been taught that to give to others is a wonderful gift, it is rewarding, it gives us joy and it makes us a kind and a caring person. We have also been taught over many centuries that receiving of gifts is a weakness to ask or have a desire for something is selfish. It doesn’t have to a monetary or material gifts, it could be watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a compliment from a friend, a smile from a stranger, enjoying seeing a rainbow after a storm.
During my work at the golf club I was privileged to meet some of the most financially wealthy people, yet they did not receive well. The amount of times I would see people fighting over someone else buying them a drink or a meal, because they could not accept the gift with a simple “thank you” and be grateful for the gesture.
Women have been taught that to give is our job and sometime to the detriment of themselves. If you don’t receive the abundance of gifts this wonderful universe has to offer with acceptance, thanks and gratitude you may be stopping the flow of so much more. It is very important to remember that this is a balance universe and to give is wonderful and so is receiving. How do you receive?
Time to get your crystals out in the full moon now for bathing. They also love a nice wash in the rain during a storm, just check they are ok to go in water. (Refer to Judith Hall's - Crystal Bible).
I hope you are findingurwings.......Ros
February 16, 2010

In January the Butterfly Circle was formed it consists of Cathy, Brodie, Michelle, Ann, Katrina, and me. We completed the "Belinda Grace Clairvoyant Healing" course in 2009. Two more ladies have joined our circle to learn further/practice and connect with this these like minded ladies. During our time together we practice meditation, exchanging information, giving and receiving healing treatments which include Reiki/Siechem, Clairvoyant healing, Crystal therapy and Access Bars and more. We hope to bring more groups together for others to have the same opportunities to practice their craft.
I have come to realise that this circle of ladies are very talented and this is an up and coming network with Yoga teacher, healing practitioners, jewellery designer and quilter just to name a few. I am so grateful for these ladies being part of my journey.
For more information on yoga check out
This morning I ventured to Coogee beach where I enjoyed watching the sunrise over the Ocean. Watching the waves washing over the sand, stroll along the rocks and mesmerised by the beauty of nature, how wonderful it is to enjoy this moment.
It is like a community of people exercising in one form or another. They are there individually or, in groups, runners, walkers, pet lovers and fishermen. What struck me most of all is the lack of a smile on peoples faces, a recognition or some sign of happiness. I have made it a goal of mine to smile at a passing stranger and say "Hi". It just might make a difference to their day. I know it does for me.
"Be the change you wish to see" - M Gandhi
Since my last article I have attended a training for a new modality 'Access - Bars' this was facilitated by Jana Rajnoch. Access is about empowering you to know what you know and to get you to know that you have choice and release what you have locked into your body.
You have choice in life. Are you aware of that? Are you functioning from the no-choice universe? The no-choice universe comes into existence because of your desire to live in this reality that everybody else lives in. It’s called the contextual reality – where you fit, where you benefit, where you win, or where you lose. This is where the majority of the planet lives. It’s like being continually in high school. If you weren’t part of the “in” clique, you were out.
A non-contextual universe is question, choice, possibility, and contribution. Contribution is what you can gift continually forever without ever losing you or any energy.
Many Bars exchange have taken place since the course many with Jana and the shifts in awareness have been quiet amazing. I have been very fortunate this year doing what is my passion and purpose in the healing work. Always asking the questions - What would it take for more vibrationally compatible opportunities to show up in my life and How does it get better than this.
Access – Bars energy treatment price $80 (normally $150)
Offer ends 31st March, 2010.
What if you were willing to nurture and care for you? What if you would open the doors to being everything you have decided it is not possible to be? What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world” Quote by Gary Douglas.
The Bars are 32 points on the head where thoughts, feelings, emotions and considerations lock into the body and impact your health and well-being. These points relate to specific areas such as money, control, awareness, creativity, hopes & dreams, body and sexuality, and aging to name a few. The facilitator gently touches and holds these points on your head and the energy is released at each place.
During a Bars session all the behavioural patterns and belief systems you have been running for all your life times begin to be cleared, just like old files in a computer system.
This means you can be more present in your life and your past doesn’t keep projecting into your future in the same way. By getting your Bars run you are literally changing the probabilities of future possibilities in your life.
Your ability to receive all kinds of Abundance and to be aware instead of running on ‘auto pilot’ becomes available to you.
A Bars session takes 60 - 90 minutes and leads to amazing clearings. “Running the Bars” leaves you feeling refreshed and relaxed as if you have had a deep restful sleep or a massage. Bars sessions are $150 normally.
Coming soon: Beyond Botox: Access Energetic Facelift, Correcting Vision and more.
Everything is choice! Everything is possibility! What Else is Possible?
To take advantage of this wonderful process contact Ros Clarkson, findingurwings or mob. 0415403530.
“All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory".
Have a wonderful day.
I hope you are findingurwings..............Ros
February 7, 2010
Findingurwings newsletter 2010

I hope you are findingurwings...........Ros
February 5, 2010

It is known for its healing on a physical level, it seem to act upon the body like fertilizer on grass, causing a flush of pure healing energy. This stone promotes living from the heart and has a greatly cleansing effect of the heart chakra , opening to love. Seraphinite acts as a trigger mechanism, causing old patterns of disease or imbalance to fall away, and allowing new patterns to be created. It is useful in aiding in the healing of the heart and lungs, as well as any systemic illness relating to cellular regeneration. This mineral stands alone as the premier healing stone of this age. It is the tool most suited to bring the physical body into line with Light energy.
Seraphinite it is a very beautiful looking stone and has been said that the silver wings are the wings of Archangel Raphael – (healer).
February 3, 2010
Saturday, 13th March,2010
45 Andrews Avenue, WAGGA WAGGA
10.00 - 4.00pm
Presented by - Ros Clarkson –
It is your thoughts, feelings and actions that create your reality – do you wish to change yours?
A new understanding on how changing you’re thinking will allow different results in your life. If this interests you than this workshop is for you.
Our current results don’t reflect who we ARE, they reflect who we WERE. You have the power to change your future by changing your thoughts and feelings NOW.
January 26, 2010
I find that there is so much negativity reported in mainstream journalism and media. I would like it a little more balanced, for them to put more focus on the amazing generosity that so many people give and are not given the acknowledgement. To the carers and volunteers who are the unsung heroes, who do not complain, but give help to others. Today is a day to be with friends to enjoy stories, have fun, laughter, throw a sausage on the barbie, go to the beach, to watch ferry races on the harbour. It is also to reflect and say "thank you" for this wonderful country we are so lucky to live in. For the life style we have been so blessed to have and continue to have.
Have a wonderful Australia day whatever you do.......Ros
January 23, 2010
January 22, 2010
Have you ever woken up to put on something that you planned yesterday only to discover that today it just doesn’t cut it? Have you put a specific piece of clothing in the dryer because you so desperately needed to wear it? Colour impacts greatly on all our lives. We use the terminology so readily: I’m feeling blue, I’m green with envy, I’m in a black mood – really the sayings are endless. We are colour. For those of you who have an awareness of the different energy systems within and around the body encompassing the chakras and the auric layers, you would know that energetically colour impacts on our vibration and who we are. If you think about the use of colour dating back to the times of Ancient Greece and Egypt you will recognize its magnificence. Even biblical references have been noted.
I am an Aura-Soma™ Colour Care Consultant and I also teach the Aura-Soma™ Level 1 Practitioner Training. It is through this sharing and teachings that I have watched clients and students blossom and truly seeing themselves as the colours they are. How exciting to look at various colours to get to know ourselves that little bit more deeply. We are beings of light and it is the light and colour that the Aura-Soma™ system offers along with the energies of crystals, herbs and plants.
My journey with the Aura-Soma™ Colour System began in the 90’s and it is through this journey that I have gotten to know myself on a very deep level along with helping others in this very same process. Those of you who know me know that I’m not about selling anything but rather about sharing what it is that we connect with on a soul level.
On a Soul level I resonate with colour and light and all that nature has to offer. It is perfect to find many different vibrations in one system. The Aura-Soma™ Colour System relates to many ancient philosophies including numerology, astrology, crystals, the tarot, the tree of life/kabbalah and the matrix. This enables us to reflect on our own divine blueprint. The system further expands into yogic and Buddhist beliefs in an experiential way and it is all that this system offers that enables us to have a personally chosen connection.
As an Energetic Practitioner I have resonated with the Aura-Soma™ Beamer Light Pen. It is so much like a laser crystal wand and more. If you consider yourself a healer this is a tool well worth sharing. If you could imagine learning about colour, feeling into colour, getting to know colour, and ultimately experiencing colour than you can do this with this integral system.
Vicki Wall is the lady who started the Aura-Soma™ Colour Care System and it was Vicki’s gift to the world that I am eternally grateful. I have shared much of this information with you today, not in an effort to persuade you toward such a system but to give you a feel for my passion toward colour.

All I ask is that you consider who you are energetically as a colourful being and start to recognize and live your life with a conscious awareness of the colours your wear, the colour surrounding you and the colours that you aren’t drawn to. Even with this you will become aware of the influences in your life, your moods, your energy levels and ultimately you will gain a greater understanding of yourself on a soul level.
I ask you now to look at what you are wearing, find yourself a good reference book in relation to colour and see what this reflects. Those of you who have an understanding of the chakras and their meanings relate this to what it is that is within and around you.
We can get to know so much about another by the colours that they choose and when we relate to people in this way they get excited to have you help them understand what it is they want to know. Today I want you to imagine a gold star within the center of your being – feel and slowly breathe into that star and ask yourself what colour am I missing? What colour do I need? Trust the first colour that comes to mind. There, that wasn’t so bad was it – Now it’s your responsibility to bring that colour more into your life. Buy a scarf, a crystal, paint a mandala, or even wear underwear in that colour – give back to yourself what you so readily need. What a Gift. You are the Gift and with all the tools available you can connect to yourself and discover and unfold all the colours that you are.
You are a being of light and colour, feel the resonance throughout your entire being and lastly be grateful for all the gifts surrounding you. Nature has provided us with such beauty – but remember as without so within. You are that beauty, you are whole and you are complete.
From my soul to yours
with love Robyn
January 20, 2010
The Seeds of Oneness.
January 10, 2010
January 2, 2010

The orange butterfly is a Monarch butterfly. -This butterfly takes several generations to complete its yearly migration to ensure the survival of future butterflies, we can live good lives to ensure the happiness of future generations. It's up to us to create our own rich legacies so we can pass the fire and passion on to our children, our children's children, and the generation beyond. - Allison DuBois.
As yesterday was the first day of 2010 and as I sat by the pool, enjoying the tranquility and solitude, the most beautiful blue butterfly presented itself to me. I have not seen such a gorgeous colour and it floated around me for such a long time. Butterflies to me are all about transformations and new beginnings. This is my theme for this year, I do not know what the year will hold. Other years have been set with work already known, but with the changing of my career path this year the focus is on my healing work/clairvoyance and many other things that are on the metaphysical level, I wonder what this year has in store. It is one of a little fear, but a lot more of excitement and opportunities.

As I said my interest came in the way of http:/// I was gardening on a summer's day, it had gotten to lunch time and we had just had foxtel connected on our TV. I was looking to have some time out of the sun and while flicking through the magazine I was intrigued at this program called "Crossing Over"- from that day, I have not seen the world though the same eyes. My interest if anything has grown more, I enjoy shows like "Ghost Whisper", "Medium". These woman have interesting life's they hold together being in a reality world with family, friends, jobs etc and have a very special gift to see things others don't and have an empathy with giving other people closure or love from people that have passed. I have had the opportunity to see and meet Lisa Williams, Clairvoyant/Medium last year and to thank her for passing on message from Frank (my father -in-law, passed 08).
It was the day after my 46th birthday and up until a week before I had never heard of Lisa, again she had a show on foxtel called 'Life beyond the Dead' - i felt guided to go to her website on this day and on reading messages that she had received but has no idea where they are to go so she posts them on her blog. While reading them i came across this message and as I read it I was bought to tears, I know it was my Frank so many clues that meant something to me words I had written, his football team and the feeling I observed on our last day together. This was him, I felt it, I know it with ever fibre of my soul. The song that he was singing ' The Old Rugged Cross' - I did not know this song and no one else seemed to understand about this song either, his son or wife. It is amazing, but on our return to the UK last year, while going through their belongings still in the family home for the very last time. Wynne, his wife had passed on to be with Francis only 10 months after his departure. I came across their music cds/tapes and in amongst them was one called ' The Old Rugged Cross' tape by Father Francis - I bought that tape home to Australia and on playing it there were many songs that have meaning to me one being "How Great Thou Art" which I played for him at our funeral service we had here in our home. I have been very blessed over the past couple of years to feel the presents of my past love ones around me, looking after me and my family, guiding me and sending me loving messages. The more I write about and the more I listen to these gifts I have been so passionate to develop, the more I trust the world we cannot see with our physical eyes will be shown to me. I know that with these gift comes a burden, to use the insight with integrity, compassion, love and honesty. It is to help myself and others gain the best life we can, to enjoy what gives us the most happiness, be grateful for all we have and be kind to others, for we are all doing the best we know how.

Ella Mary Kelly (2/1/1918 - 1/6/05)
Today is to celebrate my grandmother's 92nd birthday. Unfortunately, she passed to another world and hope I will meet up with her again. Until that time, I have been blessed to have her and others of my family stay connected to me in spirit.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ella for giving me the lesson of Forgiveness. I was lucky having spent 10 wonderful days just before she passed, 5 years ago. My Nan lived in the country and for whatever reason she was bought to the city to a major teaching hospital, only up the road from where I lived, at the time. Each day I would go and spend many hours with her, prepare cups of tea, make sure she would eat as she was diabetic and blind, it was important to me to be there for her. I would make sure she was comfortable, hold her hand while she slept and we would have chats about her youth. We discussed our family roots and I gained a lot of knowledge in those 10 short days.
I didn't always have the best of relationships with her. She was critical of people with weight issues and was not backward in coming forward with her opinion. I grew up with low self worth and even though I was not a large person by any stretch of the imagination, I took this on board as me, not being good enough. I saw my grandmother in a position that most grandchildren do not experience, she was vulnerable and needed help in very physical normal activities, like going to the bathroom etc. One day, as she slept. I held her hand, I said to her, "I forgive you". I had felt guilty about myself, I had grown to believe she had judged me and in that moment I felt a sense of relief, a weight had been lifted, so to speak and a loving/caring relationship had grown. I was not forgiving her, I was forgiving me I had believed that she had done this to me and all the time I had chosen this belief for me. I now understand that I have the ability to change that thought or belief - so many people hold on to the belief that forgiveness is about them giving to another, but its not, its releasing you of that negative feeling that you carry and hold up thinking it gives you the moral high ground - that is your EGO and the only person it is hurting is you, no one else.
It is very easy to say "it is just a thought and you can change that thought", but it takes incredible strength of character to do it.......How strong are you and how much do you want to feel happy and joyful.
ELLA was the seventh of eight children born in Marulan. She grow up on a dairy farm. Her father was killed in 1933 at the age of 65 by a bull being squashed between the fence. At 15, she went to live on a property in Boorowa, with her Aunt and Uncle. She was to later marry the laborer on the property, Allan. They would have 1 daughter and 4 sons. She loved gardening worked at domestic duties in Kenmore. When Allan passed in 1976. She spent many years with her daughter on the South Coast, a short while with her my parents in the Blue Mountains before returning in 2003 to live at the Masonic Village, Goulburn.
In the 1st December, 2009 her son Leonard, 3rd child passed and has joined his parents in spirit.
I think of them often and feel their presents around me - If you have someone you wish to connect with, look for the messages it could be a song, their smell of perfume or flowers they loved or maybe someone says something that reminds you of them.........they are connected to you ALWAYS.
I hope you are findingurwings............Ros