July 22, 2009


I have received so many messages from people all over Australia asking about what energy will be coming in this months partial solar eclipse on 22nd July and combined full moon & lunar eclipse on 6th August & and people asking what does this all mean?
PREPARATION this is what it is all about! We are suffering from Physical Stress at the moment and many of us including myself have to deal with the Physical body as well as the emotional bodies and as for me all the other bodies too. We are exhausted and many of us are starting to understand that we have to start treating our body as a temple. Too often we do not rest when we need to or even eating the correct foods. This happens particularly when we are emotional we eat the wrong foods and push down all our fears with it allowing the body to fester the food and anger causing irritability in the physical body. Maybe you have a bad sinus of flu like symptoms, this means your body needs rest and that you put so many people before yourself or maybe you are just not sleeping at all. It is not just a diet that is going to fix it or that quick chemist trip to ease the sickness, but rest and dealing with our emotions.
We are all feeling blocked at the moment in one way or another and we need to start to prepare ourselves for the next level. When I say the next level this means the next level is whatever is blocking you such as losing someone or something, financial, that new job or something that you desire but feel you will never reach.
WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP THIS? Firstly we must identify what is blocking us in order to help heal it. One of the best methods is to write down what we want to accomplish and how we feel about it. Then just write down everything you have been thinking about even if you burn this five minutes later it is so important to release it on to paper and get it out of our head. Soon enough you will have writers cramp as you have just scribbled pages and pages of what you think is just rambling nonsense. However it is not rambling nonsense there is a reason why you have held onto these things in the first place and this is why it is still in your head. A good way to note this is that if something was not an issue it would not come up in the first place. So writing is a big key part in your healing journey. Also make a list of all the things you wish to release and all the things you wish to bring into your life. And for all you crystal lovers who do not know what to do with all the crystals you have purchased, listen up. Make an alter or sacred space where you can put a few crystals and things of importance to you that are sacred. For example I have feathers, crystals, my dragons and the most important are candles. I like to have three candles burning but that is my personal view, Mind, Body & Soul. Every day I go to my alter and light the candles and make a connection to the Divine and ask for love and guidance on my life. I say a pray to my Holy Spirit (God) asking him protection and clear thinking for the day and take a moment to reflect on the things I want to bring in to my life and things I wish to let go of. Then I draw an oracle card and place it on my alter for the day giving me guidance.
At night I like to listen to meditation music to help release everything for the day and thank Spirit for all the wonderful things in my life. It is so nice to do just something that is just for you.
It is the simple things like this that we seem to take for granted that can make a big difference even if it is just listening to peaceful music or for me at the moment, Caribbean Music.

Spirit s asking you to take a lighter approach to life, so laugh a little and don’t take things so serious.

Pay attention to signs that may be around you such as feathers, songs etc.

Go back to your ancestral roots and dig yourself into a little tradition to see why you are here on an ancestral level.

If you own a drum, fantastic go do some drumming or meditation.

Focus yourself to see the great things in your life and be thankful for them.

Think good thoughts about yourself and do something this week that is just for you.

Change the way you think about yourself and others imagine yourself as a movie star for just one day. No limitations!!

If you feel out of balance then find what that means and work towards putting balance into your life.
Be happy you are you!!!
Believe in miracles!

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