July 30, 2013

The lighthouse doesn't run all around the rocks to rescue.  It stands still and SHINES for all to see then guides them home to safety. Ros Clarkson

July 29, 2013

Our children: 

Some choose not to give birth; some for whatever reason are unable to give birth.  Some adopt, some foster many have a family because that is the cycle of life.  My husband and I we brought two daughters into the world to love and nurture.  It has not been an easy road to travel: children are a great test of your character and a huge learning curve within the bounds of this world we live.

As we grow and learn together, we see the highs and lows of their paths. I couldn't be more proud of the women they have grown to be to-date.  I am sure there are going to be many more tests, trials, joy, laughter, adventures and so on through their and my journies.  What I realize is that just because I gave birth to them doesn't give me control of whom they are or what they do.  That is their journey. 

I am privileged to watch as a bystander at their choices, asked for some advice or to offer support. But it is not my journey and taking a back seat is a challenge for many parents when their children go from child to adult.  We are not here to live our accomplishments through our children, or tell them how they live their lives.  If we see they are on a bad path we need to assist them back on the right one but not judge, challenge or disempower them.   They may choose a different way than what have but that doesn't mean it is wrong.  There are many life alternatives. 

Communication and acceptance are important of course.  We can share our opinions but it is only that - our opinion.  What our children choose to do with it is up to them.  Control doesn’t assist anyone and you have control only over how you think, feel and act.  No one else. 

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”   M Gandhi.

July 19, 2013

Allowing ......

Are you confused as to what you are supposed to do, how to feel, what to release, who to be around, who not to be around, what rituals work, what rituals don't? The list is endless.

In this ever increasing bombardment of living the ‘perfect life’ are you overwhelmed?

It really is about where you are ..... as far as I know no one has a "magic pill" that takes FEAR, pain, hurt, anxiety or blame away easily. They also have not created the "happiness pill" that has this earth’s population shaking hands, being excepting of each other, caring, nurturing a spirit of team work ~ I will cheer the day we have a truly wonderful world as many speak of in the spiritual way. But I have a feeling that is a Utopian idea and it’s called heaven.

Until then we do our best to allow the one person you have an influence of ~ YOU.... and only. You can make a difference in your own life, right here, right now. Do what feels right, speak up and do not gag on your own feelings or words.

I know I get confused. I am not going to tell you I have all the answers, I don't. I have not achieved total human perfection but I do enjoy giving it a kick ass try and I also don't believe that there is human perfection, only contentment. I am doing the best I can on any given day. Every day is new -  thinking, putting into action or accepting being. I am a whole new ME. I am much kinder to me and that in itself is a huge step forward. I think I am doing a doctorate on the topic, but it continues to evolve.

I do wonder why we are not taught as children to LOVE who we are and taught conflict resolution.

I could give you the appearance that I have all my shit worked out and because of that I can give you all the answers too. I have worked out a lot of stuff and have become a more enlightened person, loving and. Caring. What I want to do is make a difference in this world for the things I have had to learn, for the experiences and pain I had over my life.

I am making it through. We all have walked different journeys and we have knowledge to share on our subjects. To me being true to me and authentic is so much more important than projecting to the world a bullshit story of everything is perfect. We have emotions and we suppress them giving more stuffing down into our gut.

If I could ask you to honour them, give them a voice and allow yourself to look at them in the face and see you don't have to hold on to them .... let them go with love.

I am so grateful for life. So believe in yourself and live life the best way you can today.  

Love and gratitude Ros.

March 31, 2013

Story of a Zen Master:

In this village, a little boy is given a gift of a horse.  The villagers all say, “ Isn't that fabulous? Isn't that wonderful? What a wonderful gift.”

The Zen master says, “We’ll see.”

A couple of years later the boy falls off the horse and breaks his leg.  The villagers all say “ Isn't that terrible? The horse is cruel. That’s horrible!”

The Zen master says, “We’ll see.”

A few years later the country goes to war and government conscripts all the males into the army, but the boy’s leg is so screwed up, he doesn't have to go.  The villagers all say, “ Isn't that fabulous? Isn't that wonderful?”.

The Zen master says, “We’ll see.”

Just as the Zen Master says “We’ll see”.  It is all in the way we perceive it to be. 

If we, let go of the attachment that it is either, good or bad, see that it is our perception that is judging the situation, and then we can choose how we handle it differently.  See it through new eyes with new thoughts,  and belief systems, different to the way we have been taught in the past or through experiences.  See them as lessons to grow, gain strength and wisdom. ~ Unknown Author.

This is a good reminder to look at the way you perceive something that has happened in your life. Seeing the experience as a learning one.  Acknowledge and let it go.  This will be beneficial to your spiritual growth and you will be wiser for the lesson.  

All original material posted to this site is (c) 2013, Ros Clarkson. All rights reserved.

January 19, 2013

Looking inward; to create change in your outer world

10 Steps to Happiness and Peaceful living:

“How I do this is”? I make a conscious choice everyday that I embrace today.  Live in the “Present” moment and see myself as a VICTOR, not a Victim.

How do we create a better life? All of us wish for our life to be purposeful and happy, but life doesn't always work like that.  We have ups and downs, disappointments and dramas. We have challenges, experiences and if we are lucky, we get the lessons.  We let go of guilt, pain and suffering.  We find forgiveness, happiness and love.


My 10 steps to happiness and peace

1.    Love: We give love to others quiet freely.  How many of us actually love our self and express it?  Many of us see ourselves though the filters of disappointment and criticism. It is time to love yourself, because you are AMAZING.

2.    Nature: Spending time taking walks, swimming; hugging a tree, gardening, sitting by the ocean.  Reconnecting to Mother Earth is very healing. It grounds you and calms you.

3.    Laughter: As the saying goes “laughter is the best medicine” and it’s true. Find what tickles your funny bone and puts a smile on your face, and do it more.

4.    Forgiveness:  People will hurt you. But it is that they don’t live up to our expectation that actually hurts us.  Forgiving someone is not about them, it is a gift to you. When you let go of the pain and say “I forgive”, you are freeing up space to allow new light into your heart.  And remember to forgive you as well.

5.    Reaching out: When we go though major challenges, especially in health, we are constantly being told to be strong and positive. But, we don’t have to do it on our own.  Ask for help.  Surround yourself with supportive, uplifting people.  Let go of the ones that don’t assist your well being.

6.    Listen:  Your best friend is your body and it tells you exactly what you need at any given moment.  Take time to stop the mind by taking 3 deep breathes, meditation, exercise, taking a walk, being focused on what you are doing at the present moment, a hobby you like. Do whatever stops those negative thoughts.  But with patience, practice & persistence, little by little you will master the mind and your thoughts.

7.    Kindness:  Be kind to yourself through your words, thoughts & feelings and give yourself the compassion that you would give to others.  You are your own best friend. Treat yourself well.

8.    Victim or Victor:  You get to choose which you wish to be. You have the power. You can blame the outer world for all your woes, or you can step up and be the HERO in your own life story.  Which do you choose?

9.    Gratitude:  When we live in an “attitude to gratitude”, see everything as a blessing to learn and grow through.  Then life is a whole lot more JOYFUL.

10.  Embrace living NOW:  We are given no guarantees in life but we are given the “Present” moment, right here, right NOW. 

Life is not perfect; it is an opportunity to achieve greatness.  So when the times come that you are not feeling so great, that is perfectly OK.   Acknowledge your feelings and allow them to pass.  Then make a new choice to enjoy your life starting NOW.

How did I achieve my happiness?  I took the tools that I have studied along my journey, applying them each day.  With trust, believe and hope I live my days using these steps.  Each day it becomes easier.  If I can, you can too.  I believe in you.

I challenge you to live your life with the greatness you were born to be!

What changes will you make to your life?
Which step will you start with?

Follow my journey on my findingurwings Facebook page. 

All original material posted to this site is (c) 2013, Ros Clarkson. All rights reserved.

January 10, 2013

Welcome to 2013 ~ New Beginnings

Happy New Year and welcome to new beginnings 2013.

Over the past few days I have felt the need to retreat.  I feel it will be beneficial to take time out from my normal day, connecting with people on Facebook.  I need to rest and rebalance my spiritual work and live this normal Earthy life.... the one that is Ros.

A friend kindly gifted me a Loving Guidance Reading for 2013 http://shellyrwilson.com/and as part of the reading Shelly reminded me to embrace the “amazingness” of this incarnation that is Ros Clarkson ~ “you will not be Ros again”.  Shelly is right.

I ask you to embrace you your own uniqueness.  

 We often don’t understand why we experience certain events in our lives.  Why is it that some people have a marriage which lasts a life time whilst others experience divorce?  Why do some people have great health whilst others experience illness, disease or physical challenges?  Why do some people have great wealth and others struggle financially?  Then there are people that have comfortable living standards but feel lack around them. Some will give their time freely to assist others and some will only think of their own needs.  Why are some people encouraged to be whatever they choose and others are discouraged, even put down or bullied by society.  The list goes on.

Everybody has a story to tell.  Through other people’s experiences, there are lessons for our own lives.  If you attach yourself to the victim mentality you will not grow in your spiritual journey. You will remain stuck in the past. I urge you to view each experience as a new opportunity to learn, grow and be “present” in your life today. 

Ros 5th Chemo session.
What I feel guided to do this year is to write about my experiences to assist my readers to see things in a different perspective.   We live in a world of information overload.  We have never had so much information at our fingertips as we do right now - TV, radio and particularly the internet have created  a global community at the touch of a button.  We have so many people opening their hearts in a spiritual culture.  They are stepping up to assist others to believe that there is more to this life than what we can see with our own eyes.  I have many friends that are sharing their joy of life, have a daily connection with spirit and are giving positive messages of JOY, LOVE AND HOPE.  This is my message too.  My mission is to be “vulnerable showing that it is not a weakness but actually a strength” to share the highs, lows, the mountains, the valleys and the many challenges of my life so that you may reflect on your world and if necessary make changes and create alchemy in every day. 

Life is about perspective and choices.  You have a choice how you see, feel and think.  It is about how we view experiences and situations. 

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”. Wayne Dyer
All original material posted to this site is (c) 2013, Ros Clarkson. All rights reserved.