October 29, 2009

A message from Belinda Grace

The Be Inspired Day
Sydney - Sunday, 06 December 2009
Once a year BelindaGrace offers a fantastic day out for anyone who is interested in developing their intuition and clairvoyance, and much more.

The ‘Be Inspired Day’ is an annual event that incorporates the ‘You Are Clairvoyant’ and ‘You Are Inspired’ one day workshops, an exciting special guest speaker, prizes and giveaways. It is also a fundraiser, raising money for the Salvation Army in the run up to Christmas.

With the spirit of giving very much in mind each guest will also be treated to a lovely afternoon tea complete with muffins, pastries, tea and coffee, all for an amazing $40.

All this makes the ‘Be Inspired Day’ an unmissable opportunity, especially for students, pensioners or anyone on a tight budget.

Held in the beautiful City Tattersalls Club, 198 – 204 Pitt St, in the heart of Sydney, only two minutes walk from the QVB and Town Hall station, it is so easy to get to by public transport and is also wheelchair accessible. The ‘Be Inspired Day’ begins at 10am and finishes at 4pm. The tea service takes place during the break at 1pm and it is also possible to purchase your other food requirements in the Tattersalls Club bistro if you wish.

Why not come along and be part of this wonderful community minded event and get totally inspired? Last year’s event was booked out, so be quick!

To be held at – The City Tattersalls Club, 198 – 204 Pitt St, Sydney. In the Celebrity Room (first floor)

On – Sunday the 6th of December, 2009

Time – 10am to 4pm

Investment - $40 (incl GST) per person, including afternoon tea. To book go to www.belindagrace.com this event is normally $130.

Wheelchair accessible – yes


October 28, 2009


On the weekend I went in search of a word that I could use as something a little different to close an email to a group of friends. I remembered a book that I had purchased on my trip to Perth earlier in the year. "The Handbook of Ancient Wisdom" by Cassandra Eason. It covers 3000 years of magic and folklore from Tribal Australia to Ancient Egypt and Native America. In the section called "Hieroglyphic Magic" I found the word Nefer, its meaning had a great feeling and expressed blessing I wished to share with others. It is as follows:-

NEFER: This means happiness, good fortune and beauty and is based on a musical instrument that resembled a primitive guitar. The perfect form and harmony of the instrument represented fulfilment and pleasure. When Nefer appears in a reading, what matters is your happiness, even if this is not counted as success in the world's terms. Concentrate on your own harmony and let your inner joy shine through. Enjoy each day and find something positive to rejoice in, however difficult the circumstances, is the message of Nefer.

Nefer to all and I hope you are findingurwings.....Ros

October 26, 2009


Good morning to you all.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my place called - "Findingurwings". I created this blog as an extension of who I am. It is my desire to assist others in finding the joy, clarity and be the best they can be in their life. To have gratitude for everything you experience, what you see, do or have - however big or small. To understand that we are (if we choose) connected to all. We have the potential to do anything we set our hearts and minds to. We are only limited by our mind and beliefs.

We can have a world beyond our imagination.

I received a message from my friend Kerrie via an email. It was sent to her from a friend of a friend. It was an opportunity to ask for your help with healing and prayers for people who are going through difficult times. If you feel you are able and would like to help, much appreciated. I thank you for your love and ask if you know any others people that can also assist, please do so. As I said we are all connected. We are ONE.

The letter:

Dear Everyone,

After just being deeply stirred by a documentary called "The Beautiful Truth" about Max Gerson's therapy and some of the causes and politics of cancer (in the U.S., almost all of which is directly applicable here) I have a special request. I know I don't stay in contact with a lot of you very often, and I'm sorry for suddenly asking for something, but this important request is not just for me, but for all of us. And for most of you who know exactly why the subject of current 'orthodox' cancer treatments is such a pointy one for me, I hope you'll really do this little thing, and inform other people you know who would really care.

On the 25Th of October, a very small select group of very nervous professional remedial massage therapists, trained extensively in the specifics of oncology massage (by a 2009 Australian of the Year nominee no less) are taking an historical step forward into what I was extremely dismayed to hear was the FIRST TIME for such a thing to be allowed in an Australian hospital.

These therapists are being PAYED (*Gasp!*) to contribute their time and energy to a trial taking place at (I believe) the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney. They will have several weeks to demonstrate the benefits of performing gentle massage on these folks in their fragile state of health, in concurrence with their regular doses of toxic chemicals or
radiation treatment.

The kind of work they will be doing has already produced great results from patients in a voluntary trial run here in Australia who found about 20 mins of massage a day dramatically decreased their nausea and anxiety, significantly reduced pain (that aspect I can personally vouch for) thus the need for morphine (which kills a lot of people way before the cancer does), improved sleep, with almost all patients reporting their energy levels improving even after one treatment.

Add to that the very, very precious respite from being poked and prodded with needles, suppositories, thermometers etc, or receiving no caresses or hugs at all, to instead receive a daily dose of gentle, healing, safe touch and a moment of peace amidst what can be a mind-numbingly stressful time of facing one's mortality and unfinished business.... Yeah, this work must go on.

So my request is for your sincere prayers, positive thoughts, focused reiki and whatever other kickarse mojo you've got up your sleeves - to join me in dedicating some time over the coming days and weeks to focus on this group of people who are concentrating their energies on helping vulnerable people to heal, and on opening doors for more therapists and gentler therapies to become an integral part of our hospital system PERMANENTLY.

If the study is successful and sparks further trials and subsequent adoption of widespread treatment models, thousands of ill people who need this sort of care the most can choose what WILL prove to be a vital line of support in their recovery from cancer back into wellness.

And at least, there's that moment of experiencing a compassionate, nurturing connection with another human being who is not wearing a white uniform, who is neither overwhelmed by losing their loved one, nor afraid of attending to those who are close to death. And I'll bet that's one powerful way to tip the balance of momentum from degeneration back into hopefulness and true healing.

Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this and possibly pass it on where you feel okay about doing so. May you and I and the people you know form a great web of light to support all those who are contributing to a more sane *health care* system... And my eyes are twinkling now because I know many of those wonderful people are and will become my friends and have just read this! Hoorah!!

October 21, 2009


1. Nothing more important or healthier than a positive self image.

2. “3 R’s” – Respect for Self, Respect for Others and Responsibility for all your ACTIONS.

3. There is no good or bad, right or wrong, success or failures - ONLY challengers. It is all about the way we handle them.

4. Be willing to try something new, challenge your belief system to become more than you are right now.

5. It is ok to acknowledge you have negative thoughts/feelings. Don’t hold onto it. Surrender to that feeling and then “let it go” as it is an old belief and you have the power to create a new positive belief right now. Past is gone – you cannot change it. Learn from it or let it go.

SURRENDER – Many people take this as a sign of weakness. That they have failed, allowed the other person to be stronger. Surrendering is about you allowing yourself to release negative feelings or beliefs.

FORGIVENESS – This is not about the other person, it is about YOU. It is to allow you to release the negative charge that is within. It isn’t about the other person or the act that person did. It is about accepting what is and move on. That phrase “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is so true. Embrace it, accept it and then move on.

I hope you are findingurwings ………………..Ros


A few weeks ago a had the opportunity to go to watch Lisa Williams- Medium/Clairvoyant live at the State Theatre, in Sydney. I have been interested in her work and watched her TV show on foxtel- "Life beyond the dead". So, when I was in the UK on holiday in June, I saw she was coming to Oz and I purchased tickets online.

I have been to John Edward 3 times and now Lisa - I secretly hope that my family will come through with a message via these 2 mediums, just as thousands of other people in the audience do, unfortunately there is no personal message to me, but that being said I do believe that signs have been given to me. As I sat waiting for the show to commence they were taped interviews with lisa and then music played that was from one of my favourite emails. I have never heard this song except for this inspiring email which I love to watch. To me that was their way of communicating, giving me a sign they had heard my prayers. It was their way of coming through. Then I had 2 empty chairs and said that was for my in-laws Wynne & Frank, next thing 2 people sat down when introduced ourselves and they past me a glass of wine to enjoy with them....that was cool.

As lisa says at the introduction of her readings it is not just a message for the family, but others will also have some awareness through that reading. So listen to the messages and one may radiate to you. This is the way we are all connected and a way of passing on what will help the most for as many people at one time.

Through my work over the past year and my awakening to life beyond what we see. I know we are all born with this amazing gift of clairvoyance and connection to spirit. It is up to us to develop and strengthen this ability. Just an athlete or ballerina's has to dedicate her/his life to stretching and building their bodies to be the best they can be, so too does the spiritually aware person. Most of all we are all connected to spirit and your love ones are with you always, sometimes you feel them, smell something that reminds you of them. Talk to them, ask for help, remember that their love for you is there with you always.

NOTICE THE SIGNS - These could be coins, feathers, butterflies, birds. I have noticed dragonflies. Rainbows are also a great sign, just as I mentioned in a previous article. I have found gold coins during the week and even been given gifts of coffee on 5 occasions this past week. I am being looked after and guided and I will trust ALL IS WELL. The important thing is for you to ASK for a signs and be observant/open to seeing it, then THANK them when you do see the sign. This will create the opportunity for YOU to connection with the world beyond what you see. It could be your angels, loved ones that have passed, God or universe whatever it is that feels right for you.

Believe that they are all around and want to help you.

Have a wonderful day and hope you are findingurwings........ Ros.

October 20, 2009

Crystal Healing 2 & 3 Workshop

This year has been a journey of further learning and discovery in the world of healing. I have enjoyed meeting many souls over this past year. They are opening themselves to the possibility that there is more to this world than what they can see. They are in search of their life's purpose, meeting other like minded people or continuing their journey. Others are teaching their craft in healing, psychic abilities and finding inner peace. I have been very lucky and have attracted very knowledgeable teachers along my journey.

Robyn Ridley, is one of those people who I have been lucky enough to have spent time with and to learn from. I flew to Dubbo for a crystal healing workshop on 10 & 11 October. It was really good fun. We had 8 ladies, some were Reiki practitioners, Cheryl also does Aura drawings - I am looking forward to having my aura drawing done on my return journey. It was a very powerful weekend with so much healing, caring and loving energy....I feel very blessed to have been part of that experience. Robyn is changing direction at present and is no longer doing one on one healing, but in the process of doing some oracle cards and writing a book. I have enjoyed our emails since that weekend and her guidance has been a god send....THANK YOU. To all the ladies good luck on your journey and hope to catch up on emails, trips to Dubbo and hope that we can share new workshops together in the future.

On my way to the Dubbo airport to fly back home there was a beautiful rainbow to greet Kerrie and I. Natasha Kelly the flight desk lady for Qantas showed me a photo of the full rainbow and emailed it to me. Thank you, Natasha and below is the photo I hope it gives you as much pleasure as it did for me.

Since the weekend, I have cleansed my treatment room ready for new clients for healings in Crystal/Reiki/Seichem with a little touch of clairvoyance, which is improving each day and I am enjoying. I am now a crystal healer practitioner on www.crystalclearreflections.com.au I am putting together a new brochure for findingurwings and holding the first meeting of a meditation/practice group on Sunday 25th October. If someone had told me this is what I would be doing/creating and loving 5 years, 10 years ago I would never have believed them. So Ask - for what you want, Believe - as if it is already yours and Trust - in the Universe as it delivers what we feel and desire. MAKE YOUR DREAMS BIG ONES AND LOVE YOUR LIFE.

I hope you are findingurwings.....Ros


Crystal Expression

Feel me, know me, see me
Express yourself through me
Know that I sparkle
Know that I shine
Know that I am her to connect with thine
I relinquish all power to assist you on your journey
A gift so readily shared
I know that this will be reciprocated
And nothing will be spared
Do you appreciate me
All the wonder in your life
Do you know the connection that is vital
Where everything is rife
I know you and you know me
We are one and we are free
There are no bounds and no ties that bind
As long as we connect to all that we find
We are intricate
We are complete
And I am here just near your feet
An earthly treasure so readily found
And yet a spiritual connection beyond all scope and bound
I am formless and free
And judge not thee
Can you express and caress
All that you are for the sake of you and me
Take this moment in silence to dedicate and honour what it is you see in me
For I am but a reflection
And I reside in you and you are ultimately me.

By Robyn Ridley.

October 4, 2009

" You have the Power - create your life using the Law of Attraction".

Three years ago I saw a movie "The Secret" - on DVD. Rhonda Byrne and many other teachers brought into my awareness the concept of Law of Attraction. Since then I have become a deliberate creator on a daily basis of what I want and how I wish my life to be. It has been a goal of mine to use this knowledge to help, advise and bring awareness to other people of this law and for them to also create the life they wish, if they choose. On the 20th September in Dubbo, my goal was brought to a reality and after a couple of months preparing a worksheet I presented my first workshop. I had 2 lovely ladies, Margaret and Robyn who made me feel very welcome and were very open to discussing things they wished to change in their life. We had lots of time to discuss, we enjoyed the creating of vision boards, chatting and had a relaxing meditation to release ties to people that no longer served us. The feedback was wonderful and I have been able to use their suggestions to improve the workshop. It was a great learning curve as I was very nervous, but we are only sent what we are ready for and the day was as if I was having a day with two friends talking about what I love and am passionate about. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to start my dream. To my friend Kerrie who was the person that opened the doors for my reality and for her support to give me wind beneath my wings. You are a very kind, loving friend.

“Your current level of results, your appearances, are nothing more than the residual outcome of your past thoughts, feelings, and actions.” – James Ray

Our current results don’t reflect who we ARE, they reflect who were WERE. You have the power to change your future by changing you thoughts and feelings NOW.
We are also born with “free will” the will to choose, make choices in our life. Contrary to some peoples beliefs I choose to believe that our life is not destined. There is not a blue print written before you arrive on earth to say this is how this life will go. I do believe that we have lessons and challengers that we need to experience and get through and release. We make those commitments before having this life. We also do not remember what the lessons are when we are born so we have CHOICES – FREE WILL. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We have the choice what we think and ultimately how we feel. We have the freedom to be, do, go, experience etc whatever we CHOOSE.

So many people think everything is out of their control, but we have the control over all that we say, do and feel in our lives. But we have control only over one thing and that is OURSELF – THAT IS YOU. What if you could change that, what if you could stop and become aware that is just a thought and change the thought into a positive vibration (vibe) by just being aware that is an old habit or belief from past thoughts and experiences, family, friends or teachers? Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you wish to see” – You have to change you, most of all your thoughts.
It is never too late and I believe we are ready for the information at exactly the right moment. You are never sent more than you are ready to deal with – the universal energy is an amazing place. The biggest changes come out of the most amazing places/ people. When you let the universe do its job and stop the mind from trying to work out how it will happen for you what you want and desire – Magic happens. The mind is not capable of understanding outside it visual zone. It cannot comprehend the amazing things that lay far beyond its imagination, but if you are open to discovering new destinations you can create an amazing life for you that will help others. Get your EGO mind out of the way and allow the magic to happen, unfold day by day little by little – this is a journey, not a destination. ARE YOU READY? When you start this work it takes focus, energy, vision, practice and patience – Be gentle on all you come across as everyone is fighting a hard battle.


This week saw my daughter Brittany return home from living/working in the UK for the past 5 months. Britt had an amazing trip on the Contiki bus for a month around Europe. Her favourite places were Paris and The Greek Islands of Corfu, where she will return someday. It is nice to have her home and it was a great opportunity and learning curve. We are very proud of her and her achievements.

On Tuesday I attend Lisa Williams - Medium/Clairvoyant show at the State theatre in Sydney. I have watched her tv shows "Life amongst the dead" on Foxtel and I enjoy her reading style. I had a good seat and even scored a glass of wine from the couple that sat next to me. I didn't get a reading, but do believe messages came through other readings, as they answered some of my questions. I am a member of her extended family, this gave me the opportunity to meet her after the show to chat and have a photo.

This week sees me travel to Dubbo for a weekend workshop on Crystal Healings 2 & 3. I am very excited and looking to incorporate this knowledge into my healings. If you are feeling like you could do with a Chakra balance to prepare for the busy christmas schedule. Send me an email or phone 0415403530 to arrange an appointment.

I hope you are findingurwings ...... Roz.