July 13, 2012

"Positiveness through Challenges" ..... Karen Tyrrell story of TRUMPH over Mental Illness.

Over the course of my journey, I have had opportunities to meet some amazing people.  They too, have gone through big challenges, but have found ways to make it through.  Karen Tyrrell is one of those wonderful, courageous people and I invited her to share her story with you here.  
Karen's book ME AND HER: A Memoir of Madness is now available to read and I have enjoyed getting to know this amazing lady.  Thank you very much Karen for sharing your journey. 

My TRIUMPH over Mental Illness … Karen Tyrrell
My name’s Karen Tyrrell, author of Me and Her: A Memoir Of Madness. I’ve triumphed over mental illness and I share my story of hope and Recovery.
How did I become Mentally Ill?
As a teacher, I was repeatedly harassed and stalked by my parents of one of my students. Each day they wreaked verbal, written and psychological abuse. I developed severe stress, jaw clenching anxiety, night terrors and long term sleep deprivation until I could take no more. I escaped and ran to a lonely motel. Eventually police found me, incarcerating me in a psyche hospital.
How did I Recover from severe mental illness and Transform my life?
My first step was to embrace my diagnosis of bipolar disorder and learn everything about my illness. I was determined to recover and return home to full mental health and to teaching my class of year two students again. Mental illness is like any other illness … it has symptoms, diagnosis, treatment … and most importantly Recovery.
How did I Reclaim my life?
I radically changed my daily routines into ultra-healthy ones and learned how to balance my emotions. I developed a proactive wellness plan with a repertoire of coping strategies to counter-act the early warning signs of stress and insomnia.
I embraced the eastern philosophy of Mindfulness, learning to live in the NOW. I empowered myself with potent visualization techniques, rehearsing positive outcomes, facing life’s challenges head-on. Each day I scribbled down how I was feeling, expressing my angst, literally writing my way to recovery.
I’ve come so far along my journey to Recovery but realise so many out there are still grappling with stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia, addictions and mental health issues. My dream is that Me and Her will open up discussions on mental illness and mental health, providing hope and a guide to recovery for those dealing with their issues.

I’m proud to say, I’m now a pro-active mental health advocate, public speaker, workshop presenter, coordinator of Logan City Writers collective and the writer of six books. If I can recover from the depths of severe psychosis and mania, think of what YOU can achieve in your life.
Me and Her: A Memoir Of Madness is available on Amazon http://lnkd.in/BmuVR7
Please go to Karen’s website www.karentyrrell.com to subscribe to her FREE mental health Me and Her newsletter. Just leave a comment on the contact page. Please join Karen’s Facebook page, Karen Tyrrell Author. http://www.facebook.com/karenwrites19
What would you like to ask Karen?

July 12, 2012

"ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE" .....What this means to Renee of Intuitive Coaching.

Recently, I was invited as a guest writer for a fellow facebook page "Intuitive Coaching".  As a exchange of energy I asked Renee to be my guest on this blog and asked the question? "What does the phrase ~anything is possible mean to you"?  This is Renee's reply:

Thinking of anything is possible give me limitless choices. This puts a big smile on my faces, because this means I can eat "the cherry on top" every day. What an amazing thought, the possibility's. It give the opportunities to go out there and try new things and if they don't work out, that is okay, something new will come along. It is an experience and hé anything is possible, so why not try something new. Share it with others and invite them to share with you.  Renee

Thank you for sharing you thoughts Renee. 

Renee Vos De Wael is the heart of Intuitive Coaching.  

Are you ready to make a change and start living your own life!  Follow Intuitive Coaching facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Intuitive-coaching/182853788424000

July 5, 2012

Give to yourself.

Within each and every one of us there is a beautiful soul waiting to be discovered.  

Self care: love and nurture YOU unconditionally.

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience.  How often do you criticize your body? Speak negatively about your perceived imperfections?  Beat yourself up over mistakes?  Spent hours, days, months and sometimes years worrying about stuff you have no control over. 

I have some wonderful news; you can release the weight off your shoulders NOW... when you feel these old ways of thinking negatively ~ STOP. 

Take a deep breathe in through your nose, bring it right down deep into your body, count to 4 slowly... then exhale.  Do this as many times as you require to feel PEACEFUL.  Focus onto positive thoughts/feelings/actions to bring about peace and clarity. It takes time, but you can master it.

Taking time to be surrounded by nature is a wonderful way to revitalize your spirit/body/mind.  Give it a try you may well be glad you did.

"I give myself the kindness and forgiveness I would show others" - Alan Cohen.