January 19, 2013

Looking inward; to create change in your outer world

10 Steps to Happiness and Peaceful living:

“How I do this is”? I make a conscious choice everyday that I embrace today.  Live in the “Present” moment and see myself as a VICTOR, not a Victim.

How do we create a better life? All of us wish for our life to be purposeful and happy, but life doesn't always work like that.  We have ups and downs, disappointments and dramas. We have challenges, experiences and if we are lucky, we get the lessons.  We let go of guilt, pain and suffering.  We find forgiveness, happiness and love.


My 10 steps to happiness and peace

1.    Love: We give love to others quiet freely.  How many of us actually love our self and express it?  Many of us see ourselves though the filters of disappointment and criticism. It is time to love yourself, because you are AMAZING.

2.    Nature: Spending time taking walks, swimming; hugging a tree, gardening, sitting by the ocean.  Reconnecting to Mother Earth is very healing. It grounds you and calms you.

3.    Laughter: As the saying goes “laughter is the best medicine” and it’s true. Find what tickles your funny bone and puts a smile on your face, and do it more.

4.    Forgiveness:  People will hurt you. But it is that they don’t live up to our expectation that actually hurts us.  Forgiving someone is not about them, it is a gift to you. When you let go of the pain and say “I forgive”, you are freeing up space to allow new light into your heart.  And remember to forgive you as well.

5.    Reaching out: When we go though major challenges, especially in health, we are constantly being told to be strong and positive. But, we don’t have to do it on our own.  Ask for help.  Surround yourself with supportive, uplifting people.  Let go of the ones that don’t assist your well being.

6.    Listen:  Your best friend is your body and it tells you exactly what you need at any given moment.  Take time to stop the mind by taking 3 deep breathes, meditation, exercise, taking a walk, being focused on what you are doing at the present moment, a hobby you like. Do whatever stops those negative thoughts.  But with patience, practice & persistence, little by little you will master the mind and your thoughts.

7.    Kindness:  Be kind to yourself through your words, thoughts & feelings and give yourself the compassion that you would give to others.  You are your own best friend. Treat yourself well.

8.    Victim or Victor:  You get to choose which you wish to be. You have the power. You can blame the outer world for all your woes, or you can step up and be the HERO in your own life story.  Which do you choose?

9.    Gratitude:  When we live in an “attitude to gratitude”, see everything as a blessing to learn and grow through.  Then life is a whole lot more JOYFUL.

10.  Embrace living NOW:  We are given no guarantees in life but we are given the “Present” moment, right here, right NOW. 

Life is not perfect; it is an opportunity to achieve greatness.  So when the times come that you are not feeling so great, that is perfectly OK.   Acknowledge your feelings and allow them to pass.  Then make a new choice to enjoy your life starting NOW.

How did I achieve my happiness?  I took the tools that I have studied along my journey, applying them each day.  With trust, believe and hope I live my days using these steps.  Each day it becomes easier.  If I can, you can too.  I believe in you.

I challenge you to live your life with the greatness you were born to be!

What changes will you make to your life?
Which step will you start with?

Follow my journey on my findingurwings Facebook page. 

All original material posted to this site is (c) 2013, Ros Clarkson. All rights reserved.

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