This year has been a journey of further learning and discovery in the world of healing. I have enjoyed meeting many souls over this past year. They are opening themselves to the possibility that there is more to this world than what they can see. They are in search of their life's purpose, meeting other like minded people or continuing their journey. Others are teaching their craft in healing, psychic abilities and finding inner peace. I have been very lucky and have attracted very knowledgeable teachers along my journey.
Robyn Ridley, is one of those people who I have been lucky enough to have spent time with and to learn from. I flew to Dubbo for a crystal healing workshop on 10 & 11 October. It was really good fun. We had 8 ladies, some were Reiki practitioners, Cheryl also does Aura drawings - I am looking forward to having my aura drawing done on my return journey. It was a very powerful weekend with so much healing, caring and loving energy....I feel very blessed to have been part of that experience. Robyn is changing direction at present and is no longer doing one on one healing, but in the process of doing some oracle cards and writing a book. I have enjoyed our emails since that weekend and her guidance has been a god send....THANK YOU. To all the ladies good luck on your journey and hope to catch up on emails, trips to Dubbo and hope that we can share new workshops together in the future.

On my way to the Dubbo airport to fly back home there was a beautiful rainbow to greet Kerrie and I. Natasha Kelly the flight desk lady for Qantas showed me a photo of the full rainbow and emailed it to me. Thank you, Natasha and below is the photo I hope it gives you as much pleasure as it did for me.

Since the weekend, I have cleansed my treatment room ready for new clients for healings in Crystal/Reiki/Seichem with a little touch of clairvoyance, which is improving each day and I am enjoying. I am now a crystal healer practitioner on www.crystalclearreflections.com.au I am putting together a new brochure for findingurwings and holding the first meeting of a meditation/practice group on Sunday 25th October. If someone had told me this is what I would be doing/creating and loving 5 years, 10 years ago I would never have believed them. So Ask - for what you want, Believe - as if it is already yours and Trust - in the Universe as it delivers what we feel and desire. MAKE YOUR DREAMS BIG ONES AND LOVE YOUR LIFE.
I hope you are findingurwings.....Ros

Crystal Expression
Feel me, know me, see me
Express yourself through me
Know that I sparkle
Know that I shine
Know that I am her to connect with thine
I relinquish all power to assist you on your journey
A gift so readily shared
I know that this will be reciprocated
And nothing will be spared
Do you appreciate me
All the wonder in your life
Do you know the connection that is vital
Where everything is rife
I know you and you know me
We are one and we are free
There are no bounds and no ties that bind
As long as we connect to all that we find
We are intricate
We are complete
And I am here just near your feet
An earthly treasure so readily found
And yet a spiritual connection beyond all scope and bound
I am formless and free
And judge not thee
Can you express and caress
All that you are for the sake of you and me
Take this moment in silence to dedicate and honour what it is you see in me
For I am but a reflection
And I reside in you and you are ultimately me.
By Robyn Ridley.
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