Three years ago I saw a movie "The Secret" - on DVD. Rhonda Byrne and many other teachers brought into my awareness the concept of Law of Attraction. Since then I have become a deliberate creator on a daily basis of what I want and how I wish my life to be. It has been a goal of mine to use this knowledge to help, advise and bring awareness to other people of this law and for them to also create the life they wish, if they choose. On the 20th September in Dubbo, my goal was brought to a reality and after a couple of months preparing a worksheet I presented my first workshop. I had 2 lovely ladies, Margaret and Robyn who made me feel very welcome and were very open to discussing things they wished to change in their life. We had lots of time to discuss, we enjoyed the creating of vision boards, chatting and had a relaxing meditation to release ties to people that no longer served us. The feedback was wonderful and I have been able to use their suggestions to improve the workshop. It was a great learning curve as I was very nervous, but we are only sent what we are ready for and the day was as if I was having a day with two friends talking about what I love and am passionate about. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to start my dream. To my friend Kerrie who was the person that opened the doors for my reality and for her support to give me wind beneath my wings. You are a very kind, loving friend.
“Your current level of results, your appearances, are nothing more than the residual outcome of your past thoughts, feelings, and actions.” – James Ray
Our current results don’t reflect who we ARE, they reflect who were WERE. You have the power to change your future by changing you thoughts and feelings NOW.
We are also born with “free will” the will to choose, make choices in our life. Contrary to some peoples beliefs I choose to believe that our life is not destined. There is not a blue print written before you arrive on earth to say this is how this life will go. I do believe that we have lessons and challengers that we need to experience and get through and release. We make those commitments before having this life. We also do not remember what the lessons are when we are born so we have CHOICES – FREE WILL. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We have the choice what we think and ultimately how we feel. We have the freedom to be, do, go, experience etc whatever we CHOOSE.
So many people think everything is out of their control, but we have the control over all that we say, do and feel in our lives. But we have control only over one thing and that is OURSELF – THAT IS YOU. What if you could change that, what if you could stop and become aware that is just a thought and change the thought into a positive vibration (vibe) by just being aware that is an old habit or belief from past thoughts and experiences, family, friends or teachers? Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you wish to see” – You have to change you, most of all your thoughts.
It is never too late and I believe we are ready for the information at exactly the right moment. You are never sent more than you are ready to deal with – the universal energy is an amazing place. The biggest changes come out of the most amazing places/ people. When you let the universe do its job and stop the mind from trying to work out how it will happen for you what you want and desire – Magic happens. The mind is not capable of understanding outside it visual zone. It cannot comprehend the amazing things that lay far beyond its imagination, but if you are open to discovering new destinations you can create an amazing life for you that will help others. Get your EGO mind out of the way and allow the magic to happen, unfold day by day little by little – this is a journey, not a destination. ARE YOU READY? When you start this work it takes focus, energy, vision, practice and patience – Be gentle on all you come across as everyone is fighting a hard battle.
This week saw my daughter Brittany return home from living/working in the UK for the past 5 months. Britt had an amazing trip on the Contiki bus for a month around Europe. Her favourite places were Paris and The Greek Islands of Corfu, where she will return someday. It is nice to have her home and it was a great opportunity and learning curve. We are very proud of her and her achievements.
On Tuesday I attend Lisa Williams - Medium/Clairvoyant show at the State theatre in Sydney. I have watched her tv shows "Life amongst the dead" on Foxtel and I enjoy her reading style. I had a good seat and even scored a glass of wine from the couple that sat next to me. I didn't get a reading, but do believe messages came through other readings, as they answered some of my questions. I am a member of her extended family, this gave me the opportunity to meet her after the show to chat and have a photo.
This week sees me travel to Dubbo for a weekend workshop on Crystal Healings 2 & 3. I am very excited and looking to incorporate this knowledge into my healings. If you are feeling like you could do with a Chakra balance to prepare for the busy christmas schedule. Send me an email or phone 0415403530 to arrange an appointment.
I hope you are findingurwings ...... Roz.
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