A few weeks ago a had the opportunity to go to watch Lisa Williams- Medium/Clairvoyant live at the State Theatre, in Sydney. I have been interested in her work and watched her TV show on foxtel- "Life beyond the dead". So, when I was in the UK on holiday in June, I saw she was coming to Oz and I purchased tickets online.
I have been to John Edward 3 times and now Lisa - I secretly hope that my family will come through with a message via these 2 mediums, just as thousands of other people in the audience do, unfortunately there is no personal message to me, but that being said I do believe that signs have been given to me. As I sat waiting for the show to commence they were taped interviews with lisa and then music played that was from one of my favourite emails. I have never heard this song except for this inspiring email which I love to watch. To me that was their way of communicating, giving me a sign they had heard my prayers. It was their way of coming through. Then I had 2 empty chairs and said that was for my in-laws Wynne & Frank, next thing 2 people sat down when introduced ourselves and they past me a glass of wine to enjoy with them....that was cool.
As lisa says at the introduction of her readings it is not just a message for the family, but others will also have some awareness through that reading. So listen to the messages and one may radiate to you. This is the way we are all connected and a way of passing on what will help the most for as many people at one time.
Through my work over the past year and my awakening to life beyond what we see. I know we are all born with this amazing gift of clairvoyance and connection to spirit. It is up to us to develop and strengthen this ability. Just an athlete or ballerina's has to dedicate her/his life to stretching and building their bodies to be the best they can be, so too does the spiritually aware person. Most of all we are all connected to spirit and your love ones are with you always, sometimes you feel them, smell something that reminds you of them. Talk to them, ask for help, remember that their love for you is there with you always.
NOTICE THE SIGNS - These could be coins, feathers, butterflies, birds. I have noticed dragonflies. Rainbows are also a great sign, just as I mentioned in a previous article. I have found gold coins during the week and even been given gifts of coffee on 5 occasions this past week. I am being looked after and guided and I will trust ALL IS WELL. The important thing is for you to ASK for a signs and be observant/open to seeing it, then THANK them when you do see the sign. This will create the opportunity for YOU to connection with the world beyond what you see. It could be your angels, loved ones that have passed, God or universe whatever it is that feels right for you.
Believe that they are all around and want to help you.
Have a wonderful day and hope you are findingurwings........ Ros.
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