February 25, 2009

Roz's Perth Odyssey

Odyssey: a long series of wanderings or adventures, esp. when filled with notable experiences.

After seeing the film "The Reader", this title felt right for this article about my recent trip to Perth, Western Australia. I went with a girlfriend and her work friend. Even the experience at the airport was different, as only 2 of us went on the flight and 2 hrs later the work friend followed. She had missed the baggage closing of 30 mins prior to flight by 7 mins. This was my first encounter of someone missing a flight, it doesn't just happen on tv shows.

My next experience was to keep calm for 2 of us, as my friend Tracey was terrified of flying. I don't just mean scared a little - I mean terrified. This was an observation of someone in complete FEAR . I did everything in my power to relieve her of her stories and fear. This was a great learning curve for me. As you can realise all went well and we arrived safely.

I shared a room which had only 2 double beds. I was very grateful for them sharing and giving me a bed to myself. I did have to overcome and look deep into myself for techniques to control my thoughts as we had a very long day travelling and had then gone out to dinner, but Perth is also 2 hours behind Sydney time so we had 26 hour day not 24. On retiring for a great night sleep to re-energise our bodies. I was given the task of coming to terms with a very heavy snorer. This was a very big challenge to overcome. Fortunately I had by sheer chance placed some ear plugs in the last minute of packing and buried my head in the pillows, meditation and prayers to whoever was listening to give me a few hours of peaceful sleep - I got some rest for 4 hours. It was a godsend and I was so happy. The following morning I purchased Phenergan from the chemist and the rest of the week I would return with 2 tablets and all was well.

The first day the Saturday I had found the Crystal Warehouse. http://www.soklichtrading.com.au/ or 42 Dale Place, Orange Grove, WA, 6109. Ph. 08 9459 1449.

I had a wonderful time discovering the beautiful mined Amethyst and Citrine pieces on display that were priced at thousands of dollars. I purchased 7 different types of stones ( Occo, Green Aventurine, Red Jasper, Blue Lace Agate, Chevran Amethyst, Sodalite and Gold Tiger Eye), which I was attracted to and I love reading about all the wonderful crystals. It covers where they are from, their meanings and what they can do for us on a healing plane. If you also enjoy finding out more I can recommend a book "The Crystal Bible" - A definitive guide to Crystals by Judy Hall or http://www.jesaba.com.au/ which is a great reference place. I also treated myself to a beautiful Labradorite pendant as this was a stone that had been brought to my attention through my crystal cards just prior to leaving for my trip.

When looked at in light, the many colours within are seen. This duality enables healers to work with an invisible reality while purifying energies. Helps to transform intuitive thinking into intellectual thinking and therefore eases intuitive functioning. Recommended for those interested in the “unknown”. Increases telepathy and magic. Amplifies happiness, joy, conviviality and a sensation of security.
Eases tension and pressure.

Next stories & photos from Fremantle beach watching sunset.......It was amazing.

Chinese Proverb - "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are".

I hope you are findingurwings........ Roz.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Ros - it's been a long while!

    Sounds like the Perth Odyssey was a very enlightening and wonderful experience. I'm so glad you bought the Labradorite - I have (or had, really, I can't remember where I put it but I must have worn the poor thing out!) a labradorite ring, and was the most amazing energy to feel :)

    It's also known as the Temple of the Stars, so maybe there is another angle to it coming into your life?

    Keep Smiling!
    Cynth xx
